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Why Physical Therapy Is Your Best Bet For Treating Concussions

Posted on by Davy Brewster, PT, DPT, ATC/L, FMS-I, CCVR

“I didn’t know that there was Physical Therapy for that!” I hear a variation of this phrase from most patients and even some physicians when I tell them that I am a physical therapist specializing in concussions. Over the last several years, much research has gone into concussions and treatment options. We confidently say that physical therapy is often very effective at treating concussion symptoms. We have also learned that 70% of concussions heal spontaneously on their own within 20 days. That brings up the question: When should someone seek physical therapy for their concussion? Recent research indicates that despite most concussions healing on their own, there is a benefit to starting physical therapy quickly.


Tips From A PT: What You Need To Know About Direct Access

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Have you ever heard of “direct access” physical therapy? No, you haven’t? Well, you’re in the right place. Even if you have heard of direct access, this will be a good review of what it is, how to use it, and when to use it. Let’s take a look.


Motion Is Lotion: How To Stay Moving When Living With Osteoarthritis

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

Arthritis affects 24% of American adults, is the leading cause of work disability1, and accounts for approximately $303 billion of the $4.1 trillion yearly healthcare cost. With 21% of the population estimated to be 65+ by 2030, arthritis management will be an increasingly prevalent topic.

While exercise is one of the best treatments for arthritis, inevitably, the question arises of how to keep moving when living with arthritis. The answer begins with understanding that exercise is not the enemy.


Occupational Therapy Or Hand Therapy? How To Decide Which Is Best For You

Posted on by Janet Apgar OTR/L, CHT, CMTPT, AIB-VRC, ASTYM cert.

Occupational Therapy

When you think of Occupational Therapy, do you think “work”? Many do! But that is too narrow. Occupational Therapy focuses on returning the student, client, or patient to daily tasks they need/want to do throughout their life. These functional tasks are labeled “occupations” and include feeding, dressing, bathing, house and yard chores, meal preparation, school work, driving, caregiving, recreation, and work too! This list is not exhaustive, and the different “occupations” importance varies with age, injury/illness, and individual goals. For example, in pediatrics, an Occupational Therapist obviously will not work on driving skills with a preschooler. Occupational Therapists evaluate and collaborate with the individual to implement a customized treatment plan and re-evaluate with functional outcome measures to assess progress toward the individual’s goals.


5 Tips For Better Sleeping Throughout Pregnancy

Posted on by Chelsea Silva, PT, DPT

Being well-rested and getting enough sleep are vital in a healthy pregnancy. Your body is building a baby, which takes a lot of energy! Although sleeping is important during this time, there are many obstacles to getting good sleep when pregnant. With pregnancy comes body aches and pains, leg cramps, the extra weight that can lead to shortness of breath, and insomnia due to changing hormones. Here are 5 tips for prioritizing sleep, despite these hurdles.


What does Physical Therapy after a Head Injury Look Like?

Posted on by Kimberly Smith, PT, DPT, VRT

I can’t begin to describe how often I get the question, “What can you do for the brain after a concussion in physical therapy?” And my response 100% of the time is, “We evaluate and find the root cause of any of your symptoms.”


2023 Athletico Wellness Challenge

Posted on by Peter Batz, PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT/DN, AIB-VR/CON

Need some inspiration to keep up with your new year’s health and wellness goals?
We’ve put together monthly challenges to help you improve your physical and mental well-being.


How to Make Small Changes to Your Exercise Routine That Have a Big Impact

Posted on by Allison Kosinski PT, DPT

When starting or changing up your exercise routine, there can be an overwhelming amount of information and voices coming at you. It can be hard to decide which path to choose. What will work best for me? Am I doing the right thing? Can I do this? While there is no perfect exercise prescription for everyone, there are a few simple things to consider when compiling your ideal exercise routine!


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