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Tips to Triathlon

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Triathlons take more time to train for with needing to work on three different disciplines in the sport. It may seem overwhelming and like you don’t have enough time. It can be mind boggling thinking about how to actually fit it all in your weekly schedule. Planning ahead and setting goals are key, but also incorporating a few training techniques into your weekly workouts will help enhance your workout and help you feel ready for race day.


Minimalist Shoes vs. Maximalist Shoes

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

What’s the best shoe to wear when running? Minimalist shoes, maximalist shoes, or your current running shoe? Here are some things to consider.. (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: 5 Tips for Recovering from Your First Marathon

Posted on by Athletico


Congratulations, you have completed your very first marathon! Now what? Use the following recovery tips to help you feel your best in the days and weeks ahead. (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: Adding Dynamic Stretching to Your Race Routine

Posted on by Athletico

You have been training for your next Marathon for months and are about to enter the final “stretch”. You are probably starting to think about race morning and your pre-race routine that day.  If not, it is a good time to start. It is important not to forget one of the most crucial and often overlooked parts of your routine…STRETCHING!  I highly recommend having a pre-race plan for stretching. Check out our latest Debut Marathoner Series Dynamic Stretching Race Routine. (more…)

Getting Through Your Long Runs: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

As you approach your longest training run to date as part of your training for your very first marathon, you might start to feel some aches and pains that you did not feel with your shorter distance runs.  Listed below are three common running injuries/discomforts that you may encounter.  It is important to do what you can to minimize these aches and pains before the big day arrives in just over a month.


Frequently Asked Questions: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

Frequently Asked Questions of First-time Marathoners
So this is your first time running a marathon. You have made it about halfway through your training program and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may still have some questions looming that you may not have the answers to. Listed below are some frequently asked questions of first-time marathoners. (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: Hitting the Ground Running

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations! You have been selected to run in a Marathon. Now what? Whether you signed up for fun or in hopes to set a personal best, you have now committed yourself to 26.2 miles of fun! (more…)

So you signed up for a Marathon, Now What?!

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Jennifer Short, PT at Athletico Garfield Ridge/Midway

Congratulations! You are registered for a Marathon, but now what? Running 26.2 miles at once seems daunting but with a plan and dedication you can accomplish this goal. Here are 5 tips to get you off and running on the right foot: (more…)

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