Debut Marathoner: 3 Ways to Prevent Training Injuries
Training for your first marathon can be a daunting task – not only do you have to build up your stamina, but you also have to do so while keeping your body healthy enough for the next training session.
Bike Fitting Tips for Beginners
As we gear up for summer in the Midwest, more people will turn to biking as a way to enjoy the outdoors and stay active. In fact, statistics show that bicycling is growing as a recreational sport, with a 64 percent increase in cyclists traveling to work from 2000-2012.1
5 Ways to Maximize Triathlon Performance
Participation in triathlons in the United States is at an all-time high according to USA Triathlon, the sport’s governing body in the United States. The group’s membership has swelled from around 100,000 in 1998 to 550,446 in 2013.1 What’s more, estimates from the Sports and Fitness Industry Associated show there were 2,498,000 road triathletes in the United States in 2016.2
What is the “Core” of My Body?
The term “core” is frequently referenced when talking about strengthening. For example, you may have been told you need to “strengthen your core,” but what does this mean?
5 Ways to Stop Knee Pain in Runners
Between 20 to 93 percent of runners suffer from knee pain, making it the most common lower extremity injury.2 When knee pain occurs, one of the treatment options is physical therapy. Physical therapists are trained to examine, diagnose and treat knee pain to help patients return to the activities they love.
Maintaining Your Winter Running Routine
It is possible to maintain your outdoor running routine in the winter, but you must always keep safety top of mind.
Although running outside in the winter can be intimidating due to conditions like ice, snow and cold, you can keep your running mileage up if you have the right gear and follow some practical cold-weather safety tips. Read below for guidance on how to stay warm when battling some of the year’s coldest temperatures.
Should You be Wearing Compression Socks?
For decades, graduated compression socks have been used as a medical tool to combat deep vein thrombosis (DVTs). The socks have been found effective in reducing pain and swelling for bed-ridden and inactive patients which may support the prevention of the formation of blood clots.
A few years ago, however, athletes started wearing graduated compression socks while running and/or for recovery after endurance sports. But do compression socks really work?
Stretching Vs. Warming Up: What’s the Difference?
One of the more frequent questions I am asked when conducting physical therapy evaluations is “Did my injury occur because I did not stretch before my physical activity?” That’s a great question and the quick answer is no…..and yes. Let me explain.