6 Ways to Improve Your Running Technique
During the course of a year, it’s estimated that nearly 80 percent of recreational runners will sustain a running-related injury2.
In fact, it’s not uncommon to see some participants at local races and marathons walking around with braces, compression sleeves, tape or special shoes. This is because running is a complex functional human movement that few people are taught to perform correctly.
Dry Needling: Runners can Relieve Pain and Continue to Train!
From indoor tracks and treadmills, endurance athletes and amateur runners are taking to the beautiful outdoors. As activity levels increase and miles add up, runners may experience pain, weakness, or fatigue, limiting their workout. Whatever the reason, runners can find themselves hitting a wall or plateauing throughout training. Many times symptoms are ignored and athletes push through. With that said, there are effective treatment options that can occur as training continues. One effective treatment for endurance athletes is trigger point dry needling.
Distracted Walking: Are You Guilty?
We all know the dangers of texting while driving, but have you stopped to consider the dangers of texting while walking?
Today’s society is more distracted than ever. Whether it is listening to music, talking, texting or playing a game, we are constantly engaged in something and not as aware of what is going on around us.
Is Running Bad for My Knees?
There is little evidence that running alone will send you to the operating room for knee surgery due to arthritis. That’s not to say that runners’ knees do not bother them. It is the most common body region runners complain of have aches and pains.
Runner’s Cramps: Why You Get Them and How You Can Prevent Them
Most runners have experienced it: your run is going smoothly and you’re feeling great, then all of a sudden you succumb to the dreaded side stitch, calf cramp or that feeling of “having to go.” Muscle and stomach issues can stop a runner dead in their tracks. With varying spring temperatures, muscle cramps are more common, as there is little opportunity to adjust to the change in weather.
Shin Splints: Who is at Risk?
From basketball players in the NCAA tournament to middle age runners on the sidewalk, who is at risk and why? If you have lived an active lifestyle, participated in sports or even follow sports you’ve probably heard of or experienced ‘shin splints’ at some point. But what are shin splints?
In the physical therapy world, it is referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS).
I Run. Why do I need to strengthen, especially the legs?
As runners, we need to do more than just run. Without strength training, injuries are more likely to occur even when using good running form. Statistics vary but state anywhere from 20-80% of runners are injured annually1. Many of these are overuse injuries and often occur because runners are not listening to their bodies and continually doing prehab.
What’s the Bump on My Foot?
Have you ever noticed a bump on the top of your foot or along the side of your big toe? What is it? (more…)