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Stress Fractures FAQ

Posted on by Athletico

A stress fracture can be one of the most irritating injuries to a runner.  When one receives the diagnosis of a stress fracture, the injury will sideline a runner for an average of six weeks. This means no running at all, and most often runners must wear a boot or use crutches. Here are some frequently asked questions to about causes of stress fractures and the pain associated with the injury. (more…)

Getting Through Your Long Runs: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

As you approach your longest training run to date as part of your training for your very first marathon, you might start to feel some aches and pains that you did not feel with your shorter distance runs.  Listed below are three common running injuries/discomforts that you may encounter.  It is important to do what you can to minimize these aches and pains before the big day arrives in just over a month.


Knee Pain- When to Seek a Professional

Posted on by Athletico

With fall sports underway, injuries are prone to happen.  With the cutting, twisting and tackling movements that occur in sports, such as football and soccer, Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) injuries can occur. (more…)

The Basics of Foam Rolling

Posted on by Athletico

You have seen one at the gym, you have heard your friends talk about “foam rolling” but what benefits might foam rolling have for YOU.


Curbing Muscle Cramping

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Although muscle cramping can happen any time of year for a variety reasons, I tend to notice increased complaints from my active and/or athletic populations during the throes of summer.  Whether they are simply being more outdoorsy and recreational or training for an upcoming sport season or competition, muscle cramping seems to be more prevalent in hot weather.  For those of you wondering about the “how” and “why,” below you’ll find a quick review but more importantly, some tips and pointers on what you can do to combat muscle cramping in hotter weather.


Frequently Asked Questions: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

Frequently Asked Questions of First-time Marathoners
So this is your first time running a marathon. You have made it about halfway through your training program and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may still have some questions looming that you may not have the answers to. Listed below are some frequently asked questions of first-time marathoners. (more…)

Benefits of an Exercise Band

Posted on by Athletico

So after attending a running event expo, you received an exercise band in your “swag” bag from Athletico. You have seen them before or even have a few collecting dust in your closet – but what is the purpose of this yellow or green piece of elastic? What are the physical benefits to you and why use one? (more…)

Debut Marathoner Series: Hitting the Ground Running

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations! You have been selected to run in a Marathon. Now what? Whether you signed up for fun or in hopes to set a personal best, you have now committed yourself to 26.2 miles of fun! (more…)

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