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How Genetics May Affect Endurance Performance

Posted on by Athletico

Editor’s note: The following blog was originally posted on Triathlon & Multisport Magazine. You can follow them on Twitter @trimultimag. Travis Orth is a Physical Therapist at Athletico Willowbrook.

Triathlon is a sport that rewards hard work. And while we can all strive to be the best we can be, 99.9 per cent of us will never enjoy the view from the top step of the podium at a major endurance race. Why is this may have something to do with our genetics. Dr. Travis Orth sheds some light on recent research into a number of genes that may affect endurance performance. (more…)

Postpartum Running: Essential Tips for a Safe Return

Posted on by Athletico

Use these tips to safely return to postpartum running!

*Note this blog is based on blogger’s experience as a new Mom as well as her professional opinion as a physical therapist.

As a new Mom and runner, I was excited and anxious to get back to running. I knew I was in no physical shape to compete after giving birth to my son but I was anxious to use running as an outlet to have some “Mommy” time alone. I can vividly remember my first run.  I knew it was not going to be pretty and only set my goal to complete two miles. Little did I know that that was a lofty goal!  I made it half way and was ready for a walking “break.” Since my first run postpartum, I have gradually increased my mileage.  Below are some tips that I would like to share that have helped me get back out on the road (and treadmill)! (more…)

How To Recover from Extreme Obstacle Races

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Sean Hassett, PT, DPT at Athletico Andersonville

You just ran 12 miles, but this was not your typical 12 mile run. This was 12 miles of running up and down hills, climbing up and over walls, hanging on for dear life at some point, jumping over logs, carrying logs, plunging in for a deep cold ice bath, and of course getting really muddy. You have just completed a Mud Run and Obstacle Race. Congratulations!

At the end of the race such as Tough Mudder, you have received your headband, your T-shirt saying you survived, and had your celebratory beer (21 and older) with your fellow racers, now what? It is time to start the recovery process as this is not your normal race. (more…)

So you signed up for a Marathon, Now What?!

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Jennifer Short, PT at Athletico Garfield Ridge/Midway

Congratulations! You are registered for a Marathon, but now what? Running 26.2 miles at once seems daunting but with a plan and dedication you can accomplish this goal. Here are 5 tips to get you off and running on the right foot: (more…)

How To Prepare For Your First Race!

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is in the Air! After a harsh winter, spring has finally sprung and the official start to the Chicago running season has begun with the completion of the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle this past weekend. Were you out there among the thousands running on Sunday? Were you standing on the sidelines cheering on the runners thinking to yourself, “I want that to be me…”  that CAN be you. Follow these basic tips to help you complete your first running road race. (more…)

Transitioning from the Gym to Exercising Outside

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is here!

You have probably been itching to get outside to enjoy the warmer temperatures. But before you do, remember these tips to help you transition from the gym to exercising outside.


Spring Sports Nutrition

Posted on by Athletico

Whether you’re at home training or returning to play with your team, there’s no doubt that athletes put a significant amount of time and energy into their favorite sport. For the athletes involved at all levels, this means an increased demand on their bodies. During the average soccer game, a player could run up to 5 miles. Double headers can mean up to 7-8 hours in the field. I think it goes without saying, if you are not putting the right fuel in your body, it would be pretty easy to run out of gas. (more…)

Cabin Fever? Get Outside and Run!

Posted on by Athletico

The official start to the Chicago running season with the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle is right around the corner. With the frigid temperatures and abundant snowfall that Chicago has endured this winter, you may have logged in fewer miles these past few months outside than in previous winters. Warmer temperatures are predicted for later this week and spring is right around the corner and we encourage you to consider these tips to safely transition from the treadmill to outdoor running. (more…)

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