Starting a training plan STRONG
As we plunge into the cold winter months, most runners are already filling their schedules with the year’s race plan. They’re surfing for coupon codes, researching training plans and shopping the sales for new gear. After the ball drops on the New Year, many are itching to start their training regime. However, often what is missing in this plan is a strengthening component.
Indoor Activities for the Weekend Warrior
You wait all week for the weekend and when it finally arrives it’s rainy! Or extremely hot! For the weekend warrior, this can put quite a damper on your weekend plans.
Minimizing the Risk of Running Injuries with Strength Training
The days are longer and the weather is finally nicer, which means more people will be out running. Thinking about running a virtual 5k or half marathon this summer? When deciding between which training program to follow, make sure you don’t forget to incorporate strength training. Strength training is believed to help with injury prevention in runners.
Reaching the Top: Tips for Your Next Stair Climb
I registered on a whim for my first Hustle Up the Hancock stair climb thinking it would be something cool and unique. However, my rationale for registering did not provide the best parameters for designing a training program.
Running and Sweating and LEAKING…Oh My!
Are you a female runner who has been preparing for a marathon? As you increase your mileage, you have likely experienced an increase in sweating. This is normal. However, if you have also experienced urinary leakage, this is NOT normal!
3 Ways to Combat Low Back Pain in Runners
Low back pain is the largest cause of disability, affecting nearly 80 percent of people in the United States at some point in their lifetime.1
Debut Marathoner: Avoiding Red Lights in Your Marathon Training
Many marathon runners will experience injuries due to things such as overtraining, poor footwear and muscle imbalance. In fact, data shows that running-related injuries to the lower extremity can occur in 19.4 percent to 79.3 percent of runners each year – with marathon runners averaging 58 percent.(1,2)
Running: Bringing People Together (and to Germany!)
Running is a great hobby that it not only good for your health, but also brings people together.