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Category: Running


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3 Reasons to Run a Virtual Race

Posted on by Athletico

It is a runner’s worst nightmare! You have spent weeks and months training for the big race that has been circled on the calendar, then disaster strikes and the race is canceled. A few years ago, this would mean hanging up the running shoes or finding a different race down the road. Luckily, in this day and age due to the coronavirus pandemic, runners have a wonderful new option in the form of virtual races.


Running With Pain? You Might Have One of These Common Running Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

You’re out running on your favorite trail, and so far, everything about your run is perfect. But then, you feel an unusual burn in your heel. Or a discomforting pull of your hamstrings just behind your knee. You might even misstep and roll an ankle. Running, like any other sport, has its fair share of injuries associated with it.


Making a Difference with Movement

Posted on by Athletico

As Chicagoland’s leading provider of physical and occupational therapy, we are a group of passionate individuals who believe in the power of movement. To encourage health and wellness and to give back the communities who need us the most right now, we launched the Athletico Cares Virtual 5K Challenge.


What is Proper Running Etiquette?

Posted on by Athletico

If you’re a runner, you may have had the experience where you pass a fellow runner and you’re just not sure what to do – do you wave? Smile? Flash the peace sign? There must be a signal we can use to show support for one another.


Expert Running Tips: Exercises from Athletico’s Endurance Team

Posted on by Athletico

Whether you are training for a 5k or a marathon, it is common for runners to experience soreness and/or tightness during training. To help with this, we reached out to our endurance team to ask about their top exercises for runners. Read below to see their recommendations:


How to Avoid Burnout During Marathon Training

Posted on by Athletico

We’ve all been there before. The dread of the alarm going off at 4am. Checking the weather multiple times only to see the heat index is still indeed in the 90s. Sometimes it may manifest in the form of excuses….. “I had a long day, maybe I’ll skip this run today.”

Burnout. It’s a thing.


3 Tips for Hill Running

Posted on by Athletico

Does the thought of running up hills deter you from signing up for a race or running a specific route? Hills can be intimidating to novice runners and expert runners alike, however, training on hills has been shown to increase cardiovascular fitness, power and strength.1 It also enhances variability on training surfaces, which can reduce the risk of overuse injuries.


7 Tips for Your Half Marathon Training

Posted on by Athletico

Spring is a great time to start training for your first, fifth or tenth half-marathon. No matter how many races you have participated in, you can always use helpful tips to make the most of your run come race day.


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