Using 3D Printers for Affordable Prosthetic Solutions
As therapists, we often treat patients using our repertoire of exercises, but occasionally, we are presented with a mega challenge. It’s important at these times to think outside the box and challenge ourselves to tap into outside resources and use cutting-edge technologies available. I’m excited to share with you how I’ve been able to help one of my patients with the help of my community and advanced technology. Warning: This content contains sensitive imagery.
3 Benefits of Standing at Work
Did you know that sitting too much can be bad for your health? Those that sit much of the day have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately for many who work in an office setting, sitting much of the day is common. Therefore, standing desks and treadmill desks are becoming increasingly popular in the work setting. Many standing desks can convert from sitting to standing easily, so you can change your position throughout the day.
Is Working from Home Causing You Pain?
At the height of the pandemic, physical and occupational therapists started seeing a record number of repetitive strain injuries resulting from working from home. Many were sent home to continue working but were not prepared to do so successfully.
New Parent Posture Survival Guide
Your beautiful bundle of joy has made their debut, and all you want to do is snuggle your precious little one, or your little seems always to want to be close to you. If this sounds like your situation, I can 100% relate because I have a five-month-old and a 2.5-year-old. I treat upper extremity injuries, and I never considered the importance of body mechanics when lifting and carrying my little ones until I started to experience the aches and pains of loving on my precious little ones at all hours of the day and night. Our little ones love us no matter the learning curve parenthood requires, and they need us at our healthiest. Let me share some tips I have learned.
4 Back-to-School Posture Tips for Students
When the school supplies take over store aisles and the daylight hours begin to shorten, one can sense that back-to-school time is here. Be sure your return is pain-free! Here are four tips for decreasing strain on your spine and improving the ergonomics of your school experience. (more…)
Backpack Quiz
It’s back to school time! How much do you know about your kids’ backpacks – how much they weigh, how it should fit, and how to prevent aches and pains from backpack wear. Take our quiz and test your knowledge!
Physical Therapy’s Role in the Workplace
Physical therapists play an active role in the care and prevention of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. Musculoskeletal pain refers to pain in the muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments and nerves of the body. These MSDs are detrimental to the employee’s health, expensive for the business, and lead to lost time and turnover. In fact, musculoskeletal disorders are the largest healthcare expense in the U.S. Taken on in the form of workers’ compensation claims, MSDs account for over $50 billion dollars a year – many of which, may be preventable.
Why Does It Hurt When I Sit?
In the past year many of us have been juggling the challenges of working from home. With this comes changes in work setups, changes in hours worked, and the blurring of work and home spaces. The combination of these changes may be contributing to aches and pain in various body parts. If you continue to work remote or are transitioning back to office life, here are some helpful tips.