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Work from Home Posture Tips

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

During this time, people may find themselves working from home. Many are transitioning to work from home from an office setting and your home is most likely not as equipped as your office. Please take these tips into consideration to decrease aches and pains in the coming weeks.


Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

There has been a lot of media attention the past few years equating sitting to being as bad for your health as smoking. The public concern has resulted in what you might expect: office workers switching to stand-up desks, sales of exercise balls, fitness tracker purchases, and even people utilizing treadmills while they’re working on a computer. But is all this worry over sitting warranted? Let’s take a look.


Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted on by Athletico

Carpal tunnel is one of the most well-known and commonly treated hand/wrist conditions. Some of the telltale signs of this condition include numbness and/or tingling throughout your thumb, index finger and middle finger, as well as weakened grip strength and decreased hand coordination. Not everyone notices pain, although pain in the palm or wrist is not uncommon.


Common Gamer Injuries & Treatment Options

Posted on by Louis Fabicon, OT, CHT

Hai Lam. Paul “sOAZ” Boyer. Clinton Loomis. While these names do not have the same mass recognition as popular athletes like Lebron James, Drew Brees, or even Mitch Trubisky, they certainly are recognized as the best in their sport. Not just any sport, but “esports,” if you will. Their offensive weapons aren’t balls, bats or sticks, but rather keyboards, headsets and hand-held controllers. Instead of defeating their opponent on an athletic field, their fields of play lie in the digital battlefields of games such as Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), League of Legends and Warcraft 3. These men were once at the height of their game. Veritable legends. Unfortunately their ascent into gaming immortality was cut short by upper extremity (UE) injuries from overuse and improper ergonomics.


Keeping our Nurses Healthy: Preventing Back Sprains and Strains

Posted on by Geoff Wolfe, CEAS III, CFSC

Nursing is a tough, physically demanding job and the data proves it. There were over 33,000 soft tissue injuries sustained by nursing professionals in 2013. The average number of days lost was 8. For those counting, that’s a total of 264,000 days of lost time, valuable time, spent inactive and unable to perform.


Stepping it up in the Workplace: Increase Your Daily Step Count

Posted on by Athletico

As many of you are aware, the recommended steps per day should be 10,000 or above. For the average person’s stride this is about 5 miles. For many of us, we have a hard time hitting our target number of steps because jobs can have us sitting at a desk all day. Sedentary desk jobs make it challenging to somehow fit 5 miles of walking in to one day’s time. So besides heading to the gym before or after work, what can you do to make exercise part of your daily work routine? (more…)

19 Ways to Relieve Muscular and Joint Pain on a 19-Hour Flight

Posted on by Athletico

I just got back from an amazing trip to the Philippines!  The country, the culture, the people who live there were all fantastic!  The airplane ride, however, was not so fantastic. I painfully scrunched myself in economy class, where my knees were especially angry with me on the way there.  However, on the way back, I implemented these 19 ways to relieve pain on a 19-hour flight, and my body was very thankful! (more…)

A Variety of Ways to Position Your Pillows to Reduce Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Patients often report difficulty sleeping as a result of having pain when they lay down in bed. In response, therapists will commonly ask the patient what position they sleep in, how they position their pillow(s), and how many pillows they like to use.  Pillow positioning is a strategy that can be different for each individual.  Below are a few of the many examples of ways to position your pillows to reduce and prevent pain and improve your body alignment for a better night’s sleep!


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