Rebounding Reasons and Rationale
We all know exercise is a big component to better health. So, how do we get more people up and moving while having fun at the same time? The answer is rebounding, or in simple terms bouncing on a mini trampoline. Not only is rebounding healthy for you, it’s appropriate for all ages from toddlers to grandparents. When exercise is disguised as something fun or playful, it becomes more likely that it will be done regularly, willingly, and for the long term. (more…)
Behind the Scenes with USA Hockey and an Athletic Trainer
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Steven Bagus, ATC, NASM-PES. Steven is currently the Assistant Athletic Trainer with the Chicago Fire and also had the opportunity to travel with USA Hockey in November 2013. (more…)
Behind the Lines of Prepping for the Big Game
Today’s post was co-authored by Joey Brutzkus, ATC – intern with the Chicago Bears in 2010
Keeping players healthy in the NFL is tough enough under normal circumstances, but the distractions and change of venue for the Super Bowl can make that an even bigger challenge. Luckily, athletic trainers are used to working in foreign environments under quickly changing conditions. (more…)
Cheerleading: 10 Ways to Prevent a Sports Related Injury
Cheerleading takes athleticism. The sport necessitates strength, flexibility, endurance, and dedication. Injury is a risk in any sport. However, several methods of prevention can be implemented to assist in avoiding injury. Below is a list of 10 ways a cheerleading related injury may be prevented. (more…)
One Sport Specialization May Increase Your Risk of a Knee Injury
In my last post on ACL injuries, I posted that overtraining can predispose someone to an ACL injury. Overtraining (spending too much time training without proper recovery) can have some serious health consequences. Overtraining is becoming an increasingly common problem as athletes are starting to specialize in one sport at younger ages. Discussing solutions to overtraining and specialization is always tough since it usually involves telling someone to play less of the sport they want to excel at. Having said that, research and anecdotal evidence both make a strong case for how varying up the sports you play through the year can lead to a healthier and more successful athletic career. (more…)
Want to Become a Better Runner in the New Year?
To answer that question: Sure, I think all of us would like to become a better runner next year. But how many of us actually will? Approximately 40-45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions but of those, how many can be 100% committed to that resolution throughout the entire year?
As physical therapists, when setting goals for our patients, we use the “SMART” principle. The essentials of goal setting are very similar to that of New Year’s resolutions and it will make it easier for you to end next year with success. (more…)
Benefits of Getting a Functional Movement Screen™ in 2014
As a new year begins, have you begun to revise your personal goals or New Year’s resolutions for 2014? A top choice for many people usually includes something to do with exercise, health, fitness, or sports. As a physical therapist, I am fully on board when individuals, friends, families, players, coworkers, or teams want to get up and get moving. However, before you start that ramped up exercise program, fitness routine, physically demanding occupation, or competitive sport, make sure your movement is up to par for your activity. I’m sure “going to physical therapy” is not on your short list of 2014 goals. An excellent way to accomplish this is to get yourself, your workplace, or your team a Functional Movement Screen™. (more…)
5 Tips for Safe Sledding
With the cold temperatures and snow arriving, cabin fever may not be far off. Despite the weather, it is important to get out, get some fresh air, and have some fun during the winter months. So why not bundle up and go sledding?! Sledding can provide hours of entertainment for all ages. Not only is it a fun activity for the whole family, but it burns calories as well. So find that snow-covered hill in your neighborhood and start your adventure. Here are five tips to help you have a safe and fun time. (more…)