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Category: Foot Pain


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Injury Prevention

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Foot Injuries in Rhythmic Gymnasts

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: either a hoop, ball, rope, ribbon, or club. The sport combines dance and gymnastics and requires strong, flexible, coordinated athletes. Due to the nature of the sport and the repetition during practice and performing, the most common area of injury for rhythmic gymnasts is the foot.


Are Your Flip Flops Causing Your Foot Pain?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Flip flops and sandals are popular summer shoe options. However, these shoes often sacrifice support for an open toe. With many people wearing less supportive shoes in the summer months, foot injury rates may appear to increase during this time. Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that can affect people of all ages and we may see a higher rate of plantar fasciitis during the summertime.


Can Anyone Start Physical Therapy?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Physical therapy (PT) is a great treatment to address aches and pains of varying kinds. It can be utilized for general discomfort or pain associated with surgery. PT is designed to help reduce pain and improve range of motion, strength, and overall function. Whether it’s your knee that has been hurting for decades or your back you tweaked shoveling snow, often, physical therapy can help. Let’s look at injuries physical therapy can treat and who exactly should start physical therapy.


Overuse Foot and Ankle Injuries in Gymnasts

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Foot and ankle injuries can occur during various sports, but a shoe or cleat may protect the foot from more severe injuries. However, some sports are performed barefoot, such as gymnastics. Gymnasts have high demands on their feet and ankle, especially when landing their skills on vault, bars, floor, and beam. Gymnastics places high impact forces and high repetitions on growing young athletes. Gymnasts train all year and are therefore susceptible to overuse injuries.


P.R.I.C.E. for an Ankle Injury

Posted on by Kathleen Warner PT, DPT, OCS

Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. Common ways to end up with a painful, swollen ankle include:

  • A misstep off a curb or stair
  • A poor landing from a jump in an athletic activity
  • A stumble while wearing high heels
  • A slip on a patch of ice


No Big Toe, No Big Deal?

Posted on by Heather Strickland, B.S., PTA

Walking, running, jogging, dancing, are all functional activities we do daily without thinking about it. They simply come second nature to us and are essential to a healthy life. What if your big toe, also known as the hallux, was amputated? Would you still be able to do what you love at all or even with ease?


4 Tips to Prevent Achilles Pain or Injury

Posted on by Kathleen Warner PT, DPT, OCS

Achilles pain or injury can prevent itself in the form of tendinopathy (i.e. tendinitis or tendinosis), or the more critical Achilles tendon tear or rupture. The Achilles tendon is the tendon to the gastroc and soleus, which together are known as the calf muscles. The role of a tendon is to transfer the force from the contracting muscle to the intended joint of movement. Together these muscles plantarflex the ankle joint, or point the foot downwards. This action creates the force needed to push the ground away and help propel the body forwards (or upwards) when we are walking, running, or jumping. The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, and the gastroc and soleus are the primary ankle plantar flexor muscles.


The Ground Connection: Why You Should Be Aware of Your Foot

Posted on by Matthew Klayman, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. DN

26 bones, 33 joints, and over one hundred small muscles and tendons; and that’s just one of them. The human foot is one of the more intricate and fascinating parts of the human body. Our feet act as the sole connection from our bodies to the earth below. We rely heavily on our feet to guide us through our day and allow us to participate in all the activities we enjoy.

The foot is almost always active. Every time we contact the ground, our feet need to respond to our environment. So why should we care about our feet if we’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort?


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