What is that Bump on My Heel?
Our feet literally take us places all day long, and foot pain is a fairly common issue. For some people, the pain is located more in the heel. That heel pain can also lead to the discovery of a bump on the back of the heel. This could be a condition known as a Haglund’s deformity.
Should You be Wearing Compression Socks?
For decades, graduated compression socks have been used as a medical tool to combat deep vein thrombosis (DVTs). The socks have been found effective in reducing pain and swelling for bed-ridden and inactive patients which may support the prevention of the formation of blood clots.
A few years ago, however, athletes started wearing graduated compression socks while running and/or for recovery after endurance sports. But do compression socks really work?
6 Ways to Prevent Ankle Sprains
An estimated 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day according to research from the American College of Sports Medicine.
Plantar Fasciitis: Causes and Treatment Options
Are you suffering from pain at the bottom of the heel? It is important to identify when symptoms occur, where they occur and what the symptoms feel like in order to classify the pain as plantar fasciitis (PF).
Common PF symptoms include pain with initial steps in the morning, pain with steps after prolonged rest and pain that is relieved with activity. Many patients wonder, what is causing these symptoms and why are they occurring? Also, how can physical therapy help relieve these symptoms? Discover the answer to these questions below.