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Cycling-Related Concussions: 3 Tips To Keep Yourself Safe

Posted on by Sarah Rice PT, DPT, PhD

As an Athletico physical therapist and competitive cyclist, I am eager to share my love for cycling with others. Right now, I’m super excited about the Tour de France. Over the past several years, it’s been gratifying to see cycling grow in the United States as a competitive sport, a fun way to exercise, and an environmentally-friendly way to commute. All outdoor cyclists, from the Tour de France riders to the city commuters in Chicago, are at risk of crash-related injuries. One of the most common is concussions. In this blog, I will discuss what you can do, as well as what physical therapists can do, to help you protect yourself.


Tokyo Olympics: Athletes to Watch

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

The summer Olympics are fast approaching. I know I am extremely excited to watch all the events after the games were delayed last year due to the pandemic. Olympians are elite athletes at the top of their fields. They train for many years for a chance to qualify for this giant international competition. With this intensity and dedication to training, injury does occur. Here are just a few athletes returning to qualify for the Olympics after sustaining an injury and when to look for them during the Tokyo Olympics!


Test Your Knowledge: Golf Stretching Quiz

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

With golf season in full swing, let’s test your knowledge about some golf stretches and warm up ideas!


Do I Need a Prescription for Occupational Therapy?

Posted on by Samantha Schneider, OTR

Occupational therapy “helps people across their lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.” Receiving occupational therapy in Indiana however just got easier – read more below to find out how!


The Orthopedic Growing Pains of Parenting

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Have you ever paid attention to the amount of times you lift or handle your newborn child or toddler throughout the day? As a parent of two growing children under the age of two, I could not help but notice (and feel the effects of) the physical demands of my kids. The bulky-but-useful changing stations, running strollers, ergo-carriers, standing towers, and bassinets all require lifting and/or carrying the child while assisting them into some (not always desired but necessary) positions. You do what you must as parents, but how exactly are you getting the job done and at what orthopedic cost? Here is a list of some common overuse injuries as well as a few tips that may prevent them with just a few seconds of extra thought and planning!


How to Fall Correctly to Prevent Hand Injuries

Posted on by Lizzy Miotti PT, DPT

As a physical therapist and hand therapist, one of the biggest concerns I hear from my patients is that they are worried they are going to fall and hurt themselves. It is not uncommon for a therapist to be treating injuries that resulted from a fall. The upper extremity (shoulder through the fingers) is a common place for injuries to occur following a fall as many will use their hands to brace their fall in order to protect their face or head. This type of fall is called a F.O.O.S.H or a fall on an outstretched hand. This blog will briefly look into common injuries of the upper extremity with a fall and will talk about ways to prevent these injuries.


5 Benefits to Exercising with a Partner

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Getting started working out or staying motivated to your routine can often be challenging. Having a partner or friend can help. Let’s take a look at the benefits of working out with a partner or friend.


Do Massage Guns Really Work?

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

A massage gun is a tool commonly used today to help improve muscle soreness and mobility, as well as aid in muscle recovery. There are a variety of brands of massage guns that have quickly become a growing “fad” within the health and fitness industry. But what exactly do massage guns do and do they really work? Relief may be as simple as a small device that fits in the palm of your hand!


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