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The Winter Blues

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Many people talk about cross-training in the winter and even throughout the running season. Does this mean to include swimming and biking? Why is it important? How can you benefit from cross-training?

Cross training does include replacing running with lower impact activities, such as swimming and biking. However, it also is stretching and strengthening. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Forward Fold Partner Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The second week of December brings us to a forward fold partner stretch. Even people who cannot touch their toes when bending forward can still do this one. If you have a hamstring injury I would not recommend performing this stretch. (more…)

Year End Yard Maintenance: Don’t Let It Get You Down

Posted on by Athletico

The air is getting colder, the holidays are approaching, and the leaves (or snowflakes) are falling! In the days and weeks leading up to the holiday season, most people inevitably find themselves outside in their yards either raking or shoveling snow. Raking or shoveling can be the most strenuous of household tasks and you should take proper precautions in order to avoid back strains and other injuries. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Partner Stretch for the Shins

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of November brings us to a partner stretch for the shins. It’s a great segue into December where we will be doing partner stretches the entire month! So stay tuned!

You will only need another person for this stretch. Any friend, family member, or acquaintance will do 🙂 (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Hero’s Pose in Yoga

Posted on by Athletico

The third week of November brings us to a stretch called hero’s pose in yoga. We have visited this stretch before but today we will focus on the shin and front ankle.  (more…)

Cold and Flu is NOT a season

Posted on by Athletico

We all know that we are more likely to get sick between October and February but do we know why? Can we blame it on the cooler temps? We call it Cold and Flu season but the last time I checked there were only four seasons and ‘Cold and Flu’ is not one of them. So what gives? Here are four reasons we are more likely to get sick in the winter (AND, what you can do about it):


Stretch of the Week: Straight Legged Low Lunge

Posted on by Athletico

Week 2 of November is a straight legged low lunge with an added extension of the foot for a shin stretch. It sounds complicated but I promise it’s pretty simple! 🙂

You will need two yoga blocks (or something similarly sturdy) and a blanket for cushion.

The contraindications for this stretch are if you have severe knee problems or have trouble getting to the floor, then please do not attempt the stretch. (more…)

Hockey Training Tip: Off-Ice Balance Training

Posted on by Steve Chmielewski, PT, DPT, Level 5 USA Hockey Coach

Lower extremity strength training is a priority when considering a comprehensive training program for youth hockey players. Most coaches consider dynamic stretching, functional strengthening and plyometric training to be enough. However in a sport where agility and balance are essential it is important to consider how players can improve these components off the ice. (more…)

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