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Video Gait Analysis: What All Runners Should Know

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever heard the term VGA or Video Gait Analysis mentioned by your physical therapist and wondered what he or she is talking about? A Video Gait Analysis involves recording your running gait, or stride, to determine symmetrical or atypical movement patterns. The video recording, a biomechanical exam and your physical therapist’s clinical assessment will provide you with a complete breakdown of your running mechanics. (more…)

How Physical Therapy Can Help Back Pain

Posted on by Lori Diamos

The back is designed to protect the spinal cord. However, it is also like a set of stackable blocks with bones that connect and run from the base of the head, to the bottom of our tailbone. Those stackable blocks keep us erect/upright, maintain posture, absorb shock and provide a stable base for our arms and legs to attach to for everyday movement.  There are three sections of the spine: (more…)

AC Sprain and How to Recover

Posted on by Athletico

The shoulder is an important joint that is used throughout daily life. Once it becomes injured it can be very difficult to maintain a normal lifestyle. One joint effected by shoulder injury is the acromioclavicularjoint or more commonly referred to as the AC joint. (more…)

Breast Cancer Post-Surgical Physical Therapy Care

Posted on by Athletico

If you have experienced breast cancer, some of the toughest battles you may face are the emotional anxiety caused by the diagnosis and the uncertainty about your future. What you may not know, however, is that physical therapy can help you overcome the physical challenges brought on by surgery.  (more…)

The Basics of Foam Rolling

Posted on by Athletico

You have seen one at the gym, you have heard your friends talk about “foam rolling” but what benefits might foam rolling have for YOU.


Frequently Asked Questions: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

Frequently Asked Questions of First-time Marathoners
So this is your first time running a marathon. You have made it about halfway through your training program and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may still have some questions looming that you may not have the answers to. Listed below are some frequently asked questions of first-time marathoners. (more…)

Jumper’s Knee

Posted on by Athletico

Everybody say “Jump Jump!” Have you ever experienced pain in the front of your knee after running or kicking? You probably have a condition called Jumper’s Knee or patellar tendonitis. (more…)

Deep Sea Fishing: 7 Tips for Prevention of Low Back Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Fish on! Hook up! Fresh one! These are all common phrases to yell out when your reel is screaming and the line is taken hundreds of feet into the ocean. It is also in that moment that you may realize your back is in for a workout. (more…)

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