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Injury Prevention

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Avoiding Soccer Related Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

Strains and sprains can occur in any sport, but why are certain ones more common with particular sports? With the World Cup right around the corner, an athlete in soccer is more prone to injuring things like his/her hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, or hip flexors. There are risk factors that also unfortunately make one more apt to developing these injuries, but with the proper guidance and persistence, it is the hope that you stay injury free. (more…)

Physical Therapy for Patients with Cancer

Posted on by Athletico

Physical therapists are medical professionals who specialize in using exercise to treat a variety of conditions. Physical therapists treat patients with post-surgical shoulders and knees, orthopaedic related pain; patients who have suffered a stroke, heart attack; patients who may have developmental delays or are at risk for frequent falls. Many people benefit from physical therapy with many different needs to be addressed. Patients who have cancer or who have had cancer in the past can also greatly benefit from physical therapy. Each and every one of us has been affected by cancer in some way, leading us to seek out the best treatment for ourselves or loved ones. Physical therapy is a great adjunct to treatment both, during or after cancer related treatments.  (more…)

Food and Arthritis, Is There A Connection?

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Arthritis is a disease that most are familiar with since it affects a large multitude of people. As a physical therapist there are two types of arthritis, Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), commonly seen in a clinical setting.  The chart below summarizes the differences and similarities between the two types. (more…)

Athletico Physical Therapy can provide treatment for Urinary Incontinence

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Kelly Todd, PT at Athletico Lake in the Hills and Women’s Health Therapy Program Manager

According to the National Association for Continence, twenty-five million adult women between the ages of 18-59 are affected by incontinence – 26% of those affected have involuntary leaking of urine. The three types of incontinence that can be diagnosed when symptoms arise include: (more…)

What Is A ‘Muscle Knot’ And How To Treat It

Posted on by Athletico

You probably hear this term all the time. People are constantly saying things like, “I have a huge knot in my back” or “I’m all knotted up!”  What does this actually mean? Can a muscle really get tied in a knot? Well, no, not really… (more…)

Rules for Surviving Dinner

Posted on by Athletico

Regardless of what you do for a living, most parents would agree that feeding your children healthy food is one of the hardest jobs in the world! I am a busy mom so I know the struggle of working all day, coming home and making dinner, and then hearing nothing but complaints when you put it on the table. Well, after a few years of fighting about dinner every night, I quit! I quit trying to make everyone happy. I quit stressing out over what everyone ‘liked’ and focused on what was the healthiest way to feed my family of four. It was time for tough love, and in looking back, I am so happy I put my foot down.  (more…)

Goodbye, Prostate Gland

Posted on by Athletico

A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the prostate gland. There are two types of procedures: a simple prostatectomy and a radical prostatectomy. A simple prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate and a radical prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate and surrounding tissues. While you will receive post-operative instructions from your physician, here are some answers to frequently asked questions (more…)

Don’t get your fingers in a jam this softball season!

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Judy Micek, OT at Athletico Bolingbrook.

Calling all couch potatoes…Spring is here and with it warm weather sports. With sportsmanship and exercise as great benefits of team sports, many Chicagoans are anxiously awaiting the return of softball season. However, catching that 16” softball can lead to some painful finger injuries or wrist injuries from sliding into base, that shouldn’t be ignored…and they may need more than just ice and rest! (more…)

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