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Suffering from Sciatica? Physical Therapy Can Help

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Pain, numbness, and tingling down the leg is both something I treat daily and something I myself have experienced. Feeling concerned that these symptoms are here to stay and there is little you can do about these symptoms is common. Fortunately, physical therapy can be very effective in treating these symptoms most of the time. I am pain free and many of you suffering with sciatica-type symptoms can be too. (more…)

Groin Injuries in Athletes

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Week 7 in professional football brought about multiple injuries to high profile players across the league, including Bears QB, Jay Cutler who suffered a groin injury. Interestingly enough, Joakim Noah with the Bulls is being held out until the season opener with a similar injury.

When doctors talk about true groin muscles, they’re referring to the group of muscles on the inner part of the leg near the hip also known as the adductor group. The main responsibility of these muscles is to move your leg towards the midline and across the front of your body (adduction). They also play secondary roles in helping to flex the hip (hip flexors) and control hip & leg rotation, making them extremely important muscles for people that run and scramble in unpredictable directions for a living. (more…)

Bank of America Chicago Marathon Spectator Guide: Tips for a Fun-filled Day

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Editor’s Note: Today’s entry is written by Jenny Short, PT, DPT, ATC, Athletico Endurance Program member and participant in this year’s Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

With the 2013 Bank of America Chicago Marathon quickly approaching, chances are you know someone who will be running or walking in it. We are lucky to have one of the World Major Marathons in our own backyard (Boston, New York, Berlin, London, Tokyo, and Chicago). Elite runners come from all over the world to run in the Chicago Marathon and enjoy the Windy City. They have logged hundreds of miles and prepared all summer but there is one critical component left…you the spectator! Having run Chicago the past two years, I cannot emphasize enough the impact the crowd has played in my Marathon performance. The energy of the crowd, the signs, and the support throughout the full 26.2 miles has kept me motivated and helped me finish strong. Friends and family have come out to support me and have had a blast watching the race. This is a compilation of tips from me, my friends, and family on the best way to view the marathon! (more…)

Heads up on Concussions

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Imagine you are at a high school football game watching your son play when you see that hit. The one that you know doesn’t look right. His head was down and he drove right into someone, or the one that he went helmet to helmet with an opponent, or even the one where his head bounced off the ground. The next thing you know, the school’s athletic trainer calls you down from the stands to tell you that your son has suffered a concussion.

The topic of concussions is on the rise. Concussions don’t just happen to football players, they can occur in any sport. Knowing some of the signs and symptoms to watch out for and what to do for them is essential to the health of your son or daughter. (more…)

6 Conditions You May Not Realize Physical Therapists Treat

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Every year in October, we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month. There are many individuals that have seen a physical therapist (PT) for common reasons such as low back pain or knee pain. There are many different conditions, however, that PTs may treat that you may not be aware of. In order to keep up their professional license, PTs are required to take continuing education courses. Often, these courses may give a therapist a special set of skills for treating a certain condition or diagnosis. The following is a list of conditions that many individuals may not be aware that can be treated by a PT. (more…)

Alleviating Headaches with Physical Therapy

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Treating a patient who reports frequent headaches is one of my favorite diagnoses to treat. Why do I love treating headaches so much? I love treating headaches because physical therapy can be so effective in providing the patient with relief quickly, and relief from a headache problem is a big deal for someone who suffers from them. (more…)

3 ACL Injury Risk Factors You Can Change

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I was recently asked by ESPN’s Sports Medicine Weekly radio show to do an interview related to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune covering the recent increase in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. The article states that over the last decade, some orthopedic groups have seen a 400% increase in torn ACLs and that a huge segment of that growing population is female. In fact,some studies have shown that females can be up to 8 times more likely to tear their ACL than males playing the same sport, so I’d like to focus on that segment of the population. During my time with Dr. Cole and Steve Kashul, we covered some of the reasons why the increase in these injuries is happening, but I’d like to take this opportunity to briefly expand on some of the ideas brought up in the interview. (more…)

Knee Replacement Surgery: What to Expect

Posted on by Athletico

Knee replacements are one of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed today. It is used as a treatment for end stage knee osteoarthritis when other conservative treatments have failed. Recent advances in surgical technique, including the minimally invasive method, have made it a successful option for an individual who cannot tolerate simple daily activities due to the pain of arthritis. Here is a synopsis of what to expect with your hospital stay, recovery, and outcomes following a knee replacement. (more…)

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