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Category: Hip Pain


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Stand Up To Hip Pain: 3 Ways That Physical Therapy Can Put Pain In The Past

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Chronic hip pain can be a real pain! It is a condition that can affect many people and has an overall prevalence of 10% in the population. At times, it can be very stressful when nothing seems to help the nagging pain that you have each day. Thankfully, physical therapy has been shown to help patients with chronic hip pain tremendously. Below are helpful tips that can ease your pain and get you back towards moving pain-free again.


Can Anyone Start Physical Therapy?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Physical therapy (PT) is a great treatment to address aches and pains of varying kinds. It can be utilized for general discomfort or pain associated with surgery. PT is designed to help reduce pain and improve range of motion, strength, and overall function. Whether it’s your knee that has been hurting for decades or your back you tweaked shoveling snow, often, physical therapy can help. Let’s look at injuries physical therapy can treat and who exactly should start physical therapy.


Hip Pain in Runners

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

With the fall weather and cooler temperatures here, running has become a more popular form of exercise. With increased running also commonly comes an increase in injuries, specifically hip pain. Hip pain can have a variety of causes, and it can be structural, overuse, weakness, etc. Most commonly in runners, hip pain is caused by increasing mileage too quickly and muscular imbalances/weaknesses. Hip pain can be prevented in runners by increasing mileage at an appropriate rate, performing a dynamic warm-up and cool-down, and performing hip strengthening exercises. Below you will find strategies to help prevent hip pain while running.


Injury Prevention for Keeping Your Hands Healthy This Spring and Summer

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Earlier months in the year have come and gone, and the routines of the cold weather months may be changing. Increased daylight hours have allowed for more time outdoors, participating in leisure and work. As the events that consume our free time begin to change, the physical demands on our bodies, specifically our hands, ought to be thought about and considered to prevent injury.


What Is Hip Dysplasia?

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Isn’t hip dysplasia something dogs have? The short answer is yes, but humans can also have hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia has become increasingly more prevalent over the past decade, as hip dysfunction can be a source of pain. So, what is it? A typical presentation of hip dysplasia can be when the acetabulum (the portion of the hip joint attached to the pelvis) does not fully cover the femoral head (the hip joint’s ball). However, it may vary based on a variety of factors. Hip dysplasia can be diagnosed at birth, during childhood, or even as a young adult. Hip dysplasia is most common in females born from a first pregnancy and breech delivery.


5 Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

In 2018, Bunt and his colleagues found “knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults, and its prevalence has increased almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually.”1 There are a number of causes for knee pain, and in many cases, physical therapy and exercise can help address the pain. Let’s take a look at five common exercises that can help reduce knee pain.


Hip Pain When Walking?

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Hip pain, in general, can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Hip pain can be caused by the hip itself or the back. It can also be caused by muscle weakness and/or joint stiffness. The hip joint typically causes pain in the front or “groin” of the hip. The hip bursa or muscular dysfunction can cause pain felt on the outside of the hip. The SI joint, low back, and muscles of the back of the hip can cause pain felt on the backside of the hip. But for starters, why do I have hip pain when I walk?


Tips from a PT: Maintaining Endurance During the Winter

Posted on by Clinton Boone, PT, DPT, CMTPT/DN

Winter is when many of us hibernate inside to watch Netflix and make sweet treats in the kitchen. But if you are someone looking to build your endurance for later in the year – such as for a race or general fitness – you do not want to take these winter months off before resuming activity in the spring. If you are usually active in the other three seasons of the year, it would greatly behoove you to maintain regular activity in the winter months. Winter is the perfect time for endurance athletes to take it a little easier and focus on building and maintaining their base for a more efficient aerobic system. Here are some tips to consider during the cold months:


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