How to Fall Correctly to Prevent Hand Injuries
As a physical therapist and hand therapist, one of the biggest concerns I hear from my patients is that they are worried they are going to fall and hurt themselves. It is not uncommon for a therapist to be treating injuries that resulted from a fall. The upper extremity (shoulder through the fingers) is a common place for injuries to occur following a fall as many will use their hands to brace their fall in order to protect their face or head. This type of fall is called a F.O.O.S.H or a fall on an outstretched hand. This blog will briefly look into common injuries of the upper extremity with a fall and will talk about ways to prevent these injuries.
Physical Therapy’s Role in the Workplace
Physical therapists play an active role in the care and prevention of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. Musculoskeletal pain refers to pain in the muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments and nerves of the body. These MSDs are detrimental to the employee’s health, expensive for the business, and lead to lost time and turnover. In fact, musculoskeletal disorders are the largest healthcare expense in the U.S. Taken on in the form of workers’ compensation claims, MSDs account for over $50 billion dollars a year – many of which, may be preventable.
Why Does It Hurt When I Sit?
In the past year many of us have been juggling the challenges of working from home. With this comes changes in work setups, changes in hours worked, and the blurring of work and home spaces. The combination of these changes may be contributing to aches and pain in various body parts. If you continue to work remote or are transitioning back to office life, here are some helpful tips.
Power Saws to Paint Brushes: Hand Tool Injuries & Prevention Tips
Co-Author: Werokina Noyszewski, OTS
Pity the tool! Tough as nails, even Mr. T could learn a thing or two about hand tool injuries. As the weather turns for the better, home renovations continue to be top of mind for many folks. From endless hours watching home renovation television shows, to scrolling through your favorite social networks for inspiration, we all have the desire for DIY projects to improve our space. No matter what your artisan experience is, our expert Hand Therapists have provided tips to keep you safe while working with your hands.
Guide to Gardening: 4 Tips to Conquer the Earth Pain-Free
Research shows that gardeners have decreased anxiety, depression, and body mass index (a measure of body fat percentage calculated by dividing one’s weight by height). Gardening, when done in community also promotes societal well-being. Many garden for yard maintenance, to grow food, or just for enjoyment. Although gardening is rewarding and good for your health, gardeners should still keep a few things in mind before conquering the earth. It is important to take precautions to protect your back, knees and arms from repetitive stress and injury. Here are just a few considerations to keep in mind.
Knee Injuries Seen in Gymnasts
Knee pain in young gymnasts is a common complaint. Many times these young athletes begin having pain due to overuse of the area. A common overuse injury is Osgood-Schlatter’s disease (OSD). OSD is inflammation of the patellar ligament below the kneecap. Often, there is a painful bump below the kneecap (the tibial tuberosity) where the ligament attaches.
From the Dance Floor to the Living Room: A Look into Dance Safety
Co-Authors: Andrew Ludwig PT, DPT and Bryan Lind PT, MPT, ATC
As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues around the country and the world, dancers have been taken from the studios and moved into their homes for virtual practices and performances. While the performing arts have had to adapt to these challenging times, it opens the door for potential injuries as many dancers do not have the proper equipment to practice safely and effectively in their home. In this blog, we’ll explore dance safety and the steps you can take to practice safely.
New To Cycling? 4 Tips to Prevent Injuries
Both indoor and outdoor cycling has increased in popularity within the fitness industry for exercise and for good reason. This form of exercise is used by people of all ages. Cycling has many benefits and is a great way to keep moving during the ongoing pandemic. Cycling is a low impact activity allowing for decreased joint impact, while improving core and leg strength, cardiovascular health, and endurance. While cycling is a great form of low impact exercise, it can still lead to injury. Cycling injuries can occur due to: overuse, improper bike set up, as well as a lack of proper warm up and cool down.