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Injury Prevention

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Pins and Needles: What Does Tingling Mean?

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

You know that feeling when your foot falls asleep? It feels like static, tingling, or pins and needles. When this happens, the feeling usually lasts for a short period of time and goes away quickly. Tingling and numbness is a type of nerve pain that typically subsides with movement of the limb. In this case, the pain is usually due to restricted blood flow. The tingling can feel awkward and unpleasant but it is only temporary. However not all nerve pain is short lived; some tingling or numbness is constant and can be linked to a more serious medical condition.


Pros and Cons of Wearing a Brace During Sports

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

When watching sporting events on TV, it is not uncommon to see an athlete wearing a brace – typically on the ankle or knee. Oftentimes the athlete is wearing the brace because they were previously injured and returning to active play. This could lead one to wonder why all athletes don’t wear braces to prevent injury. There is a lot of information out there about the use of braces in athletics, so let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.


Common Gamer Injuries & Treatment Options

Posted on by Louis Fabicon, OT, CHT

Hai Lam. Paul “sOAZ” Boyer. Clinton Loomis. While these names do not have the same mass recognition as popular athletes like Lebron James, Drew Brees, or even Mitch Trubisky, they certainly are recognized as the best in their sport. Not just any sport, but “esports,” if you will. Their offensive weapons aren’t balls, bats or sticks, but rather keyboards, headsets and hand-held controllers. Instead of defeating their opponent on an athletic field, their fields of play lie in the digital battlefields of games such as Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), League of Legends and Warcraft 3. These men were once at the height of their game. Veritable legends. Unfortunately their ascent into gaming immortality was cut short by upper extremity (UE) injuries from overuse and improper ergonomics.


Simple, Safe & Smart: Snow Removal Tips

Posted on by Margaret Moraw, OTR/L, CHT

Big beautiful white flakes are coating the crab apple tree outside the bay window. It is such a beautiful way to start a Saturday morning while sipping coffee. The beauty of the snow is mesmerizing, but then reality hits. There are groceries to be bought, sporting events to compete in and a birthday party to attend. That means this beautiful, mesmerizing snow is soon going to be the bane of a home dwellers existence.


Gymnast Wrist: Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Gymnastics is a unique sport in that the athletes spend a large amount of time on their hands. Handstands, tumbling and bars all require the athlete to place their full body weight through the arms and onto the hands. A unique injury to gymnastics is Gymnast Wrist.


Tips on How to Select and Wear a Backpack

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

It’s time to think about back to school! An item that is on many back to school shopping lists is a new backpack. But did you know that there should be many considerations besides the color or design on the backpack?


Injury Prevention Tips for Moving Day

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Moving day is finally here! Whether you are moving apartments, bought a new home, are moving cities or to a new state, moving is exciting and nerve-racking but it does not have to be injury inducing. Many injuries that occur during moving happen quickly without warning. Here are some tips to protect your body from injury while you are moving into a new home:


Minimizing the Risk of Running Injuries with Strength Training

Posted on by Athletico

The days are longer and the weather is finally nicer, which means more people will be out running. Thinking about running a virtual 5k or half marathon this summer? When deciding between which training program to follow, make sure you don’t forget to incorporate strength training. Strength training is believed to help with injury prevention in runners.


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