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Category: Injury Prevention


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Injury Prevention

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Heating Up: Exercising in the Heat

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Summer has arrived and so has the heat. As you continue exercising this summer, remember to protect your body from injury due to overheating. When the environmental temperature rises, the body has increased difficulty cooling itself through its normal means.  Heat stroke from exercise is one of the three leading causes of sudden death in sports activities.1


10 Side Effects of Prolonged Sitting

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Our children do it at school, many of us do it at work, most of us do it while commuting, and too many of us also do it recreationally. What is that magic “it?”  If you guessed sitting then you hit the nail on the head.


Debut Marathoner: 3 Ways to Prevent Training Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

Training for your first marathon can be a daunting task – not only do you have to build up your stamina, but you also have to do so while keeping your body healthy enough for the next training session.


Summer Sitting: Tips for Road Trips

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

It is not uncommon for your body to feel stiff or sore after sitting in the car for long periods, but there are things that can be done to make the ride more comfortable. So before you load up the minivan, take a minute to see how you can keep yourself feeling good on your way to your summer fun!


Lifting Tips for New Grandparents

Posted on by Athletico

As a new grandparent, you have patiently waited years for this opportunity. You’ve raised your own children and vividly remember all of the milestones. Now you finally have the chance to hold that precious new grandbaby.


Warming Up vs Cooling Down: Things To Know

Posted on by Athletico

Picture this – you walk into your local gym after carving out time in your day to  work out.. You come prepared with your headphones in, new favorite song turned up, and a game plan full of all the exercises you’re going to accomplish that day. You scan the gym and see your favorite machine with no one else on it calling your name. You scurry to it, get settled in, and just as you’re about to start you think to yourself, “I probably should warm up, shouldn’t I?”


Common Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes

Posted on by Athletico

Children are susceptible to certain injuries because their growth plates are still open. Sever’s Disease, Osgood-Schlatter or Sinding-Larson-Johannsen (SLJ), and Little League Elbow are just a few diagnoses that children can acquire at the growth plates. Typically children diagnosed with these injuries are very active in sports, which may cause the overuse injury in the growth plate.


When Should I Schedule a Free Assessment?

Posted on by Athletico

At any one time, 30 percent of American adults are affected by joint pain, swelling or limitation of movement. Musculoskeletal conditions like these are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability.1


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