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Category: Injury Prevention


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Snow Shoveling Stretches

Posted on by Athletico

Snow is beautiful when falling to the ground, but it is hard work to clear it out of the way. To keep from getting too sore, try these three exercises after shoveling all of that snow.


The Winter Blues

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Many people talk about cross-training in the winter and even throughout the running season. Does this mean to include swimming and biking? Why is it important? How can you benefit from cross-training?

Cross training does include replacing running with lower impact activities, such as swimming and biking. However, it also is stretching and strengthening. (more…)

Year End Yard Maintenance: Don’t Let It Get You Down

Posted on by Athletico

The air is getting colder, the holidays are approaching, and the leaves (or snowflakes) are falling! In the days and weeks leading up to the holiday season, most people inevitably find themselves outside in their yards either raking or shoveling snow. Raking or shoveling can be the most strenuous of household tasks and you should take proper precautions in order to avoid back strains and other injuries. (more…)

Hockey Training Tip: Off-Ice Balance Training

Posted on by Steve Chmielewski, PT, DPT, Level 5 USA Hockey Coach

Lower extremity strength training is a priority when considering a comprehensive training program for youth hockey players. Most coaches consider dynamic stretching, functional strengthening and plyometric training to be enough. However in a sport where agility and balance are essential it is important to consider how players can improve these components off the ice. (more…)

Cubital Tunnel: The “Other” Tunnel

Posted on by Athletico

“Just one more page.”  One minute you’re being pulled into a great mystery novel and the next thing…your fingers are tingling.  Shaking out your hand and moving your elbow in and out seem to return your fingers to normal but a few pages later, the tingling returns, especially in the small finger.  Perhaps your first thought is, “Carpal tunnel syndrome.”  A quick Internet search only causes more confusion.  You might have cubital tunnel syndrome. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Reverse Plank

Posted on by Athletico

Did you enjoy last weeks stretch? I hope so! Please feel free to leave comments down below. I love hearing from you and if you have suggestions for future months please voice them! I want to provide stretches and movements that will help you all, so please don’t hesitate to communicate with me 🙂


Stretch of the Week: Downward Dog

Posted on by Athletico

October is my favorite month. I might be biased because it’s my birthday month;) But all the leaves changing beautiful colors and fall festivities really lifts my heart! We have to be mindful though as the colder months approach because we end up being inside many more hours. This means that if you sit for your job, you may end up sitting even more when you get home! So this month will be all stretches you can do with a chair while you’re at work (or wherever you like). We have to take a break every now and then to stretch those muscles that are in a fixed position for hours. This month we will focus on the muscles that get shortened while we sit, mainly the hamstrings and the pectoral(chest) muscles. We will also target the muscles through the side body to counteract the slouching and poor posture that happens from sitting too long.  Let’s get started!


Should I Stretch Before or After My Run?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

We all have seen, or have been, runners bending over to touch their toes or pull their foot back to stretch before a race. Therefore, it may surprise you that some research does not support static stretching prior to running, but at the same time others indicate it has no detrimental effects on performance.


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