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iPad Wrist: DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis in the 21st Century

Posted on by Athletico

Another night browsing the web on my iPad – Another night of wrist pain. I look down to see my hand cocked in some nightmarish position that couldn’t have possibly existed before five or six years ago. Yikes! I am a Certified Hand Therapist. I know better. (more…)

Limited Hip Mobility and Core Weakness: Causes of Lower Back Pain in Golfers

Posted on by Athletico

With the golf season now in full swing, many golfers may be experiencing some aches and pains from the first several rounds of the course. Low back pain is a specifically common aliment among golfers.  Low back pain can be caused by numerous factors, but two areas of deficit are common culprits to low back pain among golfers. (more…)

High Heels: Great for Fashion, Bad for Your Body

Posted on by Athletico

Every lady loves the way her legs look in a killer pair of high heels. But what most women don’t know is that habitual use of those great shoes can have severe effects on joint health. High heels change foot posture, which then in turn changes the alignment of the entire lower body and the direction of the pull of gravity in relationship to those joints, thus stresses muscles in an abnormal fashion. (more…)

10 Tips and Tools for Gardening with Arthritis or Other Physical Limitations

Posted on by Lori Diamos

Gardening has a multitude of health benefits. Since most people find enjoyment in gardening, they do it regularly without any coaxing or aiding in cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. One’s immunity is also boosted as skin soaks in vitamin D from the sun and healthy bacteria and microbes from the soil. Gardens are full of a variety of textures, smells, sights, and sounds which have been known to reduce stress and promote relaxation as it stimulates the brain and aids in better mental health. Lastly, we cannot forget nutrition and all the amazing vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are provided to us when we consume all the fresh produce we harvest. It’s no wonder that gardening appeals to the young, the old, and everyone in between. (more…)

Pre-Round Golf Stretches to Enhance Mobility

Posted on by Athletico

Golf season is finally approaching, which means it is time to dust off the clubs, break out the plaid pants and warm up your muscles. Properly swinging a golf club requires precise muscle coordination and sequencing of movement across numerous joints within the body, specifically the back. During the back-swing and follow-through, rotation of the trunk is required to effectively position the club for consistently accurate golf shots. This trunk rotation is facilitated by movement through the spine, specifically the thoracic spine.


5 Upper Extremity Overuse Injuries in Growing Athletes

Posted on by Athletico

Young athletes today are often practicing three to four hours a day, four to five times per week.  Weekends are often spent competing hours at a time. As intensity of sport participation has increased so has the injury level of the upper extremities. Understanding that kids are not little adults and respecting the growing body is key to staying in the game. The good news is that focus on how to prevent overuse injury in sports for growing athletes is also on the rise. Listed below are 5 common upper extremity overuse injuries in young athletes and ways to help prevent these injuries. (more…)

Get in the Swing of Things: It’s Almost Golf Season

Posted on by Athletico

After a cold, snowy, and record-setting winter in Chicago, believe it or not, golf is just around the corner. Now that the snow melted, temperatures are increasing, and grass is growing, divots will be flying on the golf course. The last thing you want this season is to be sidelined because of an injury after being sidelined for by the weather.  Golf is a dynamic, athletic movement that entails neurological and musculoskeletal components. In order for you to return to mid-season form, you must take care of the most important aspect of your game: your body. (more…)

Using Heat or Ice to Treat Injuries

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Athletes are often recommended by medical professionals to use a method like ice or heat for injuries. But they may be told by a friend to use which ever one feels better. So how do you know when to use heat or ice to treat injuries? (more…)

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