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Athletico Health Resources

Category: Injury Prevention


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Injury Prevention

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Prevent Falling Outdoors in the Winter

Posted on by Athletico

The incidence of slips and falls outdoors significantly increases during the winter months. As our sidewalks get icy, we need to be more careful when we venture outside. Here are some tips to help you prevent falling this winter: (more…)

Preventing Injuries in the Weekend Warrior

Posted on by Athletico

Are you a “weekend warrior” who performs little to no exercise during the week and then tries to make up for it on the weekend? If you are, you are not alone.  As we get older and have more responsibilities with work and family, exercise sometimes takes a backseat.  We have good intentions and want to continue exercising because of the obvious health benefits but we don’t have the time, motivation, or energy during the work week.  As a result, we become weekend warriors.  This is a particularly problematic pattern of exercise because in many cases we do not maintain the physical activity level necessary to participate in our sport or activity and therefore open ourselves up to injury. (more…)

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