Athletico Gives Back: Supporting Operation Walk
Athletico Physical Therapy makes it a priority to give back to the communities we serve through a variety of initiatives each year, including donations and volunteerism.
5 Ways Athletico Gave Back in 2016
Athletico Physical Therapy makes it a priority to give back to the communities we serve through charitable donations and volunteerism.
In 2016, Athletico supported hundreds of events at the local level by providing pre- and post-race stretching, massage therapy, educational lectures, athletic training services, injury screenings and more. In addition, Athletico and our employees gave more than $500,000 in monetary and in-kind donations throughout the year.
Global Medical Brigades: Nicaragua
This trip down to Nicaragua was my first time ever doing anything like this, and I do have to say, it was one of the most eye-opening experiences I have ever had. In three days, we served over 1000 members of the San Luis de Limay community.
Medical Missions: A Painful Truth
Typical Medical Mission: There are many types of medical mission trips, through many different organizations, traveling to countries without access to medical professionals. There are organizations that rally volunteers which are most often students, current and/or retired medical professionals, and likely others just trying to make a difference or beef up their resumes. (more…)
Medical Mission to Honduras Changes Lives
* Editor’s Note: For the past 5 years, Athletico has supported and participated in a week-long medical brigade in Honduras through Global Brigades. Athletico volunteers have helped in supportive roles such as interpreting, running the pharmacy, triage, dental staffing, and this year, formal physical and occupational therapy. Over 600 patients were seen this year by Athletico volunteers, physicians, nurses, dentists, and other volunteers. This special entry is written by Athletico physical therapist Sarah Holt, who shares with us her experience as a volunteer with this year’s brigade. (more…)