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Hydrating for Performance and Health

Posted on by Athletico

At first, hydration might seem like a dry topic, but there is more to it than just drinking water. Many people may not realize that hydration levels can affect everything from essential bodily functions to your mental and physical performance levels, making it an ideal topic to cover with hordes of athletes returning to their sports this week. (more…)

Maintaining Healthy Bones as We Age

Posted on by Athletico

Our bones continually change throughout our life. Bone is a living, growing tissue, so new bone will be produced to replace the bone that is lost. We can maintain a healthy bone mass when our body can produce the same amount of bone that was removed. When our body fails to keep up with the bone that is being lost, we will have an overall lower bone mass. A lower bone mass may easily lead to fractures, difficulty walking, and an overall lower quality of life. (more…)

Understanding the Female Athlete Triad

Posted on by Athletico

As women’s involvement in athletic activity has increased dramatically in the last few decades, so has the incidence of female athlete triad. The incidence of female athlete triad is not well documented but studies have reported that anywhere from 15%-62% of female college athletes are affected. Female athlete triad is a syndrome comprised of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis or decreased bone mineral density. (more…)

Happy and Healthy Holidays: How to have a great holiday and stay fit at the same time!

Posted on by Athletico

The holiday season has arrived! I know I love the parties, family, and friends that make this one of the most fun times of the year.  That said, sometimes it’s hard enough to eat right and exercise under normal circumstances.  When you add holidays to the mix, many of us find exercise and a healthy diet going out the window. Let’s face it, very few of us keep up with our diet and exercise regimens perfectly while traveling and staying with family. At the same time, staying active and trying to maintain a healthier diet will give you energy, help reduce stress, and of course, help burn off some of the extra calories you may be eating. (more…)

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