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8 Holistic Headache Solutions

Posted on by Lori Diamos

According to the World Health Organization roughly 50% of adult individuals will experience at least one headache annually. These range from migraine or tension type headaches to cluster and medication-overuse headaches. Regardless of the type of headache, we can all agree that the pain, in many instances, is very debilitating.  Headaches have many causes and it is always a good idea to check in with your physician to get to the root cause at which point different pharmaceuticals or treatments may be suggested or prescribed.  Physical therapy and Massage therapy, both offered by Athletico, are two different,effective and more holistic options for headache relief as well. (more…)

Stepping it up in the Workplace: Increase Your Daily Step Count

Posted on by Athletico

As many of you are aware, the recommended steps per day should be 10,000 or above. For the average person’s stride this is about 5 miles. For many of us, we have a hard time hitting our target number of steps because jobs can have us sitting at a desk all day. Sedentary desk jobs make it challenging to somehow fit 5 miles of walking in to one day’s time. So besides heading to the gym before or after work, what can you do to make exercise part of your daily work routine? (more…)

Let’s Talk About the Pelvic Floor

Posted on by Athletico

Your doctor is talking to you about recent pain you’ve experienced and suggests it come from your pelvic floor. What is the pelvic floor? Do I have one? Why is it there? Should I be concerned about my pelvic floor pain? Let’s discuss this often unknown area, and give you a better idea of what is going on in your pelvic floor. (more…)

Resolve to Take Care of Yourself

Posted on by Athletico

Have you made resolutions to start the New Year? Maybe you plan to save some money, lose some weight, or even start a new hobby. How about a resolution to simply take care of yourself? We often get caught up in taking care of everyone else and put ourselves last. It’s time to make a change and make yourself a priority in 2015! (more…)

Movember Inspired Men’s Health Questions & Answers

Posted on by Athletico

It’s no secret that facial hair has become a growing trend over the last few years. A group of men and women from Athletico have decided to raise awareness of men’s health by joining the “Movember” movement via a team effort known as “The Athletimos.” Movember is a simple concept. You spend the month of November growing your moustache or “mo” (no beards, goatees, etc) and then bring up both men’s health issues and donation opportunities when asked about the fashion statement on your upper lip. Think of the mustache as a magical ice-breaker and trust me, it works.


Anxiety and Depression Associated with Physical Pain

Posted on by Athletico

“Thats the thing about pain.  It demands to be felt.”- John Green

Early on in college, I decided in addition to majoring in physical therapy, I would also major in psychology.  Why?  I felt that if I was going to treat and understand the physical aspect of a person, I better understand a little bit about the brain, thoughts and emotion of an individual.  After all, each of us is not just a body or a brain.  We have both.  Why is it that it’s readily accepted as the “norm” if you mention you have knee arthritis or back pain, however, it becomes taboo to discuss the psychology or emotion that may be involved with that pain?  I firmly believe that the psychology of what one is experiencing is extremely important to discuss and address. (more…)

Breast Cancer Post-Surgical Physical Therapy Care

Posted on by Athletico

If you have experienced breast cancer, some of the toughest battles you may face are the emotional anxiety caused by the diagnosis and the uncertainty about your future. What you may not know, however, is that physical therapy can help you overcome the physical challenges brought on by surgery.  (more…)

Screening for Breast Cancer

Posted on by Athletico

When was the last time you performed a breast self-exam?  When I asked a number of women recently, the typical response was “not very often, but I know I should do it monthly.” Screening for breast cancer can be a scary topic, but with regular self examinations it doesn’t have to be. (more…)

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