Surviving the Wintertime Brrrs: Tips on Cold Weather Running
It is much easier to get out the door on that mid-week run on a sunny, mild spring day, but winter running is not as simple. How many layers should I wear? Should I wear gloves or mittens? How do I protect my head and face? Will it be dark before I’m done? What type of shoes should I wear? Have they plowed my route? How do I warm up? What’s a safe temperature? Do I need to take hydration with me? Here’s how I try to answer these questions while preparing to run outside in the winter.
Making the Most of Your Insurance Benefits: How PT Can Help You Reach Your Wellness Goals
As healthcare costs continue to rise, many individuals seek ways to maximize their insurance benefits. One area that often needs to be more utilized is physical therapy. If you’re wondering how PT can help you reach your wellness goals—especially if you’ve met your deductible—it’s essential to understand the value of this service in improving your function and quality of life.
Can Physical Therapy Help Manage My Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily lives and overall well-being. From persistent backaches to joint stiffness, managing chronic pain requires comprehensive strategies beyond temporary relief. Physical therapy has emerged as a crucial ally in this battle, offering sustainable solutions that address the root causes of pain and promote long-term healing. This blog explores how physical therapy, particularly through manual therapy and targeted exercises, can effectively manage chronic pain.
Why Physical Therapy Can Be A Great Choice For Migraine Relief
If you’re someone who experiences the occasional migraine or experiences symptoms regularly, you know how it can put your plans on hold. Small tasks become difficult, and you may even avoid certain activities altogether for fear of a migraine attack. Studies show that migraines affect more than 10% of the population globally, most often impacting individuals between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. With this many people affected by migraine symptoms, your next question might be, “Can physical therapy help me with my migraine symptoms?” The answer would be YES!
Can Physical Therapy Help My Jaw Pain?
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, the prevalence of temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMJD) is between 5% and 12%. Unusual for chronic pain conditions, the prevalence rates of TMJ disorders are higher among younger persons. This pain can lead to missed workdays and frequent trips to your primary care provider or dentist. This article will discuss why physical therapy may be what you need to assist in getting rid of that pain and getting back to enjoying life.
Healing Beyond the Surface: How Therapy Transforms Painful Scars
Scars aren’t just skin deep; they can carry physical discomfort and emotional weight. But here’s the good news – physical and occupational therapy can work wonders in managing scars from both surgery and other injuries, addressing both the visible and invisible aspects of healing. Let’s dive into how therapy can make a real difference for those dealing with painful scars.
You’ve Had A Knee Replacement, Now What?
Are you planning on having a knee replacement? Or maybe you’ve just recently had one? Knee replacements are one of the most common types of replacement surgeries. It is estimated that over 850,000 knee replacements are performed each year. As a physical therapist, one thing that I have seen with a majority of my patients navigating post-knee replacement is that they weren’t exactly sure what the recovery process would be like for them post-surgery. In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into the recovery process from start to finish and how to set yourself up for success.
Hand Therapy Is For All Ages: Can Kids Benefit From Hand Therapy?
Being a mom of two toddlers, I know how easily injuries happen in children as they learn to explore their world. While we want to keep our children bubble-wrapped so they never have to experience pain, the Occupational Therapist in me realizes how important it is for their brain development to explore their world. My kids have amazed me at how easy it is to get a finger stuck in a toy or while racing outside to play, the door pinches the hand, or the fall during a sport-like activity leaves my little one clutching his/her arm.