5 Types of Physical Therapy
Physical therapists regularly work to help patients reduce pain and improve function. There are a variety of different treatment techniques that are used to accomplish these tasks. There are even several different settings in which physical therapists can be found. Athletico is an example of outpatient physical therapy, but physical therapists also work in inpatient, acute care, skilled nursing, and school-based settings. In this blog, we’ll look at the role of physical therapists in each setting.
How Your iPhone Can Help Decrease Your Risk of Falling
With advancements in technology, detecting a fall is easier than ever! Apple Watches have been able to detect a fall for some time, a feature automatically added for anyone 55 years and older. Emergency medical response teams may even be called based on one’s movement, or lack thereof, after the impact or fall. However, the latest feature – Walking Steadiness – available on the Apple iOS 15 update now allows the phone to send you a notification related to the steadiness of your walking. This update can help recognize your risk for falls before they happen.
3 Tips to Prioritize Your Mental Health
One of the best changes I have seen in the medical community since I joined as a physical therapist is recognizing the importance of mental health and its impact on all aspects of our lives. The pandemic has increased the overall prevalence of depression and depression-like symptoms. This increase has led to many new individuals being unsure of how to take care of their mental health. Even though it will take a qualified practitioner to diagnose a mental health disorder properly, there are a few things that you can do to help prioritize your mental health.
Shoulder Pain through the Decades of Life
Shoulder pain can be a cause for concern for adults or teenagers. Shoulder pain accounts for 16 percent of all musculoskeletal conditions. Some shoulder pain can be from an apparent injury or fall, while others can creep in with no known event. Based on one’s age, occupation, and previous sports participation, shoulder pain can often be broken down into predictable categories based on one’s age.
Types of Headaches: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
We have all experienced a headache. Some headaches may be a mild annoyance, and others are brutally painful. Headaches can be defined as pain in any region of the head, but the intensity, duration, cause, and location can vary drastically per person and type of headache. Some studies suggest 1 in 20 adults experiences a headache every or nearly every day. In this blog, we’ll discuss the various types of headaches and how physical therapy can help.
Clinical Excellence: Celebrating Athletico’s Newest CMPTs
Athletico is committed to promoting clinical excellence and inspiring professional growth. As an opportunity for specialized post-professional training, we partner with the Institute of Manipulative Physiotherapy & Clinical Training (IMPACT) to deliver the advanced certification of Certified Manual Physical Therapist (CMPT). This certification advances clinical competency in manual physical therapy, and enhances clinical decision-making and differential diagnosis to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Our clinicians are in dedicated cohorts of 15-20 clinicians in a structured program consisting of a didactic, lab, and online curriculum over 12-24 months. The achievement of CMPT is awarded in the successful passing of rigorous oral and practical proficiency testing. By earning this certification, these Athletico physical therapists join the elite ranks of less than two percent of therapists in the United States.
5 Ways to Improve Your Balance
Balance is observed in many aspects of life. An elite running back, a waitress, and even Grandma Sally all need good balance. A running back uses balance to stay on his feet and avoid defenders, whereas a waitress uses balance to carry food and weave in between guests. Grandma Sally uses her balance to navigate the grocery store or to walk to her mailbox. Balance plays a crucial role in avoiding falling and completing tasks throughout the day.
How Can Physical Therapy Help You Avoid Back Surgery?
If you’re one of the many people who’ve been dealing with chronic back pain, you may think surgery is your only option to get better. Research shows that over half of adults will experience chronic lower back pain at some point in their lives. Recent data has shown that the rate of lumbar spinal fusions has increased 170%. Unfortunately, the data also suggests that the re-occurrence or worsening of pain 12 months after a back procedure can range from 30-40%. One study indicates that up to 80,000 patients per year have continued to experience back pain after surgery. Many factors can affect the success of these procedures, including accuracy of the diagnosis, socioeconomic status, psychological factors, smoking habits, and anatomical changes that can occur to the surrounding structures and tissues.