No Big Toe, No Big Deal?
Walking, running, jogging, dancing, are all functional activities we do daily without thinking about it. They simply come second nature to us and are essential to a healthy life. What if your big toe, also known as the hallux, was amputated? Would you still be able to do what you love at all or even with ease?
How Can Physical Therapy Help Your Headache?
Physical therapists are special health practitioners, but did you know they can treat people from head to toe? That certainly includes treating those dreaded headaches. Read on to learn more about headaches and the power physical therapy has in treating them.
How Long Is Too Long? When To Seek Help for Pain
The majority of individuals have experienced some form of physical pain or injury over the course their lives. Some adopt the “no pain, no gain” mentality while others seek medical attention right away. Is it ok to “work through the pain”? What about taking a “wait and see” approach prior to seeking medical care? How long is too long to wait prior to receiving medical care for pain?
Physical Therapy’s Role in the Workplace
Physical therapists play an active role in the care and prevention of Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. Musculoskeletal pain refers to pain in the muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments and nerves of the body. These MSDs are detrimental to the employee’s health, expensive for the business, and lead to lost time and turnover. In fact, musculoskeletal disorders are the largest healthcare expense in the U.S. Taken on in the form of workers’ compensation claims, MSDs account for over $50 billion dollars a year – many of which, may be preventable.
4 Safe Ways To Manage Your Pain
We are all too familiar with pain; it is truly one of the unfavorable guarantees that we have in life. Whether it be emotional or physical pain, we learn at a young age that pain is a reality that we all must face. In fact, there is a direct link between our physical pain and emotional wellness. Often times, emotional stressors are manifested in our physical ailments. Just as often, we find ourselves with physical impairments that can trigger certain emotional responses affecting our moods and perspectives.
Physical Therapy for Every Stage of Pregnancy
Pregnancy, labor and delivery, recovery and motherhood are athletic events in themselves! And while women are extremely resilient, many may find great benefits through physical therapy. Physical Therapists who specialize in Pelvic Health can assist your journey at every stage of pregnancy, as well as in the recovery stage throughout the fourth trimester.
How to Safely Return to Running after Physical Therapy
Congratulations! You graduated from physical therapy! Although you may have gone there feeling injured, you are now slowly returning to your normal, active self. As you finish your sessions, it is important to get clearance on returning to running. Your physical therapist can help you determine a realistic running goal to make sure the two of you are on the same page.
My Doctor Recommended Physical Therapy, Now What?
Physical therapy is a comprehensive treatment option performed by physical therapists and physical therapy assistants to address pain and functional limitation. There are many physicians and other health care providers who recommend physical therapy to their patients, but what happens after this recommendation is made? How do I choose a good physical therapist? How soon can physical therapy begin? Look no further, answers to all of these questions can be found right here.