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Touring with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago: From Chicago to Germany

Posted on by Athletico

I am a performing arts physical therapist working at a downtown Athletico clinic in Chicago. I recently had the opportunity to travel with Hubbard Street Dance Chicago to Germany. As I let my patients know I would be away from the clinic, quite a few asked what I would be doing. When I told them I would be working while traveling internationally, many responded wondering “How does your work as a physical therapist take you to Germany for a week?!” Let me explain…


Cervicogenic Headaches: It’s Not All in Your Head.

Posted on by Molly Runquist, DPT, COMT, Emory Competent, AIB-VRC

There are many different types of headaches. In fact, the International Classification of Headaches has more than 180 pages! However, there is one type of headache that affects more than just your head and can be helped by a physical therapist: cervicogenic headaches.


Everyone is Talking About IASTM. What is it?

Posted on by Molly Knoblett, PT, DPT, CMPT, Graston Technique® Provider

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, or more commonly known as IASTM, is the use of tools to assess tissue quality and to treat areas identified to have scar tissue, soft tissue restrictions, chronic inflammation or degeneration.


Can Dry Needling Help?

Posted on by Stacie Cornwell, PT, DPT, OCS, Astym Cert.

Dry needling is an innovative treatment technique performed by a licensed physical therapist to help reduce or heal pain symptoms. This technique has many useful applications ranging from soft tissue involvement to nerve irritation. In general, it is primarily used to target trigger points (sensitive spots in soft tissue) and reduce tension of taut muscles.


Can Cold Weather Influence Pain?

Posted on by Kirk Johnson, PT, DPT

As a physical therapist, I frequently work with people who suffer from chronic pain. When the weather changes – including colder temperatures or air pressure changes – I frequently have patients asking why the weather seems to influence their pain symptoms.


Does Dry Needling Hurt?

Posted on by Stacie Cornwell, PT, DPT, OCS, Astym Cert.

You may have heard of (or saw pictures of) dry needling before. A common question for those unfamiliar with this treatment is, “does it hurt?”

The answer is yes and no; let me go into some detail of why:


Busy & Dizzy: Treating Dizziness with Physical Therapy

Posted on by Molly Runquist, DPT, COMT, Emory Competent, AIB-VRC

Nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults experience vertigo at least once in their lifetime.1 Symptoms may include feeling as if the room is spinning or just a general lightheadedness. Either way, these symptoms may interfere with your life. Complaints can vary in severity, but may be so severe that you are unable to work.


Q&A: What Does 500 Clinics Means to You?

Posted on by Athletico

October 2019 has been a very special month at Athletico Physical Therapy. Not only did we have the opportunity to honor our wonderful clinicians in recognition of National Physical Therapy Month, but we are also celebrating a milestone – reaching 500 clinics!


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