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Physical Therapy is the FIRST Defense Against Pain

Posted on by Athletico

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.” This means that pain is an experience that encompasses so much more than the physical aspect typically associated with it.1

Pain can affect how we sleep, work, focus and manage our relationships on a daily basis. It affects our stress levels and impacts how we manage anxiety. Whether we are aware of it or not, pain changes how our brain processes information and thus, can affect every aspect of our life.


How Can Physical Therapy Help My Back Pain?

Posted on by Tony Matoska PT, DPT, CMPT

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience back pain1 in some form. Back pain is complicated because there are numerous factors that can contribute to the start of it. Factors such as type of injury, age, activity level, medical history, and even socioeconomic status can have an effect on the cause and severity of your back pain. It can have an enormous impact on your personal life, family life, job performance and ability to participate in recreational activity. There can also be extreme financial implications2 that come with back pain, including time off work due to injury, doctor’s appointments, imaging such as MRIs or CT scans, and prescription medication costs.


Pushing Beyond the DPT…

Posted on by Athletico

Four years ago I moved to Chicago as an eager newly graduated physical therapist (PT) who was drawn to Athletico for its strong presence in the performing arts community. As a dancer myself, I felt providing physical therapy to dancers was the absolute perfect way to marry my two passions. Little did I know that Athletico would develop me beyond this in ways I never imagined, such as providing training for me to execute Video Gait Analysis and return-to-sport testing for ACL reconstructions, as well as giving me the opportunity to manage a clinic! I felt pushed to optimize patient outcomes and provide the best customer service in the clinic, but I also felt a strong encouragement to continue learning and improving myself. One of the most defining ways that Athletico demonstrated its investment in my long term growth was through the Evidence in Motion orthopaedic residency.


Why is this Scar Still Bothering Me? Understanding and Decreasing Scar Tissue

Posted on by Athletico

Great news: your body has done some healing after an injury or surgery.
Not so great news: now you are looking at a scar.

The scar might be long or short. It might be raised, flat or indented. It could be a range of colors. It might be painful or sensitive. But, for whatever reason, it is still bothering you.


Should I Schedule a Free Assessment or a Physical Therapy Appointment?

Posted on by Athletico

At Athletico, our experts are passionate about helping patients live pain-free lives, which is why providing access to exceptional care is among our top priorities.

Every patient is unique. Because of this, we offer a variety of ways to help patients get started with their journey into recovery, including free assessments, virtual free assessments and scheduled physical therapy appointments.


Blood Flow Restriction for Knee Osteoarthritis

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Knee pain can be a very troublesome nuisance to a majority of the population; whether knees are sore from a long day of activity or have been persistently sore from those glory days long ago. Knee pain can affect quality of life in many different ways including decreasing activity levels, making it uncomfortable to maintain certain postures for prolonged periods of time, or making it bothersome to go up and down stairs at home. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is among the common knee-related conditions affecting quality of life – especially in the older population. In fact, knee OA is present in nearly 40 percent of individuals older than 60.


7 PT-Approved Travel Tips

Posted on by Athletico

When gearing up for traveling – either by plane or car – it’s important that your journey doesn’t wipe you out before your rest and relaxation begins. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when traveling that can help you keep your joints and muscles happy:


The Benefits of Working Out in the Water

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Summer is here and warmer weather brings new opportunities for workouts, including working out in the pool. Aquatic-based workouts have many benefits and do not necessarily mean you have to swim laps. Additionally, aquatic workouts are great for people of many ages and have incredible health benefits.


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