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Category: Physical Therapy


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Do knee braces or sleeves work for knee osteoarthritis?

Posted on by Athletico

Knee osteoarthritis (breakdown of articular cartilage along the joint surfaces) is rampant in the aging population. Some statistics show nearly 1 in 2 people may develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis by age 85 years (1). These are odds are not good! (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Standing Big Toe Grab

Posted on by Athletico

As we move into week three of February, let’s assess how you’re feeling. Go ahead and do the first two weeks exercises for your warm up. Notice if you feel less stiffness through the inner thighs. It is always good to check in with the body daily which can help determine how much stretching to do. (more…)

Hip and Knee Joint Replacements: Common Questions Answered

Posted on by Athletico

Replacements of the Hip and Knee are perhaps the most common joint replacements seen in our society. There are many reasons patients end up having these elective surgeries. (more…)

How Swimming Can Help Improve Your Health

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

Swimming continues to grow in popularity as one of the aerobic exercises of choice. With as little as 2.5 hours of swimming a week you can significantly decrease your risk of chronic illnesses. (more…)

Medical Missions: A Painful Truth

Posted on by Athletico

Typical Medical Mission: There are many types of medical mission trips, through many different organizations, traveling to countries without access to medical professionals. There are organizations that rally volunteers which are most often students, current and/or retired medical professionals, and likely others just trying to make a difference or beef up their resumes. (more…)

Take Care of Your Injury Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on by Athletico

We’ve all been there at one point or another. Dealing with daily pain can be a constant ritual of our day just like eating breakfast or combing your hair. (more…)

What’s the Bump on My Foot?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

Have you ever noticed a bump on the top of your foot or along the side of your big toe? What is it? (more…)

Trigger Finger: Not for Target Practice

Posted on by Athletico

As we age, a little morning stiffness in the fingers may be a typical start to the day and opening and closing the fingers can quickly restore normal motion.  When this stiffness causes a finger to lock in a bent position when making a fist, it can be much more painful to extend finger and is a condition that may require additional medical attention. (more…)

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