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4 Signs you Could Benefit from PT

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Physical therapy (PT) is a great treatment option for people with all sorts of ailments. In this blog, we will dive into four signs you could benefit from physical therapy treatment.

Physical therapy treatment is made up of four primary components: therapeutic exercise, functional activities, neuromuscular re-education, and manual therapy. Therapeutic exercise refers to exercises designed to help address a physical problem or ailment. Functional activities are interventions that cater more to your daily activities. Getting up from a chair, walking a long distance at work or getting in and out of your car, to name a few. Neuromuscular re-education references the connection between the brain and nerves to tell the body what to do and how to do it. Finally, manual therapy is a “hands-on” treatment like deep tissue mobilization, passive range of motion, or mobilization of a joint.


From Swelling after an Injury to Static Stretches for Improved Flexibility: Top 10 Blogs of 2022

Posted on by Athletico

As the 2022 year ends, we looked back at the top ten blogs that our knowledgeable clinicians here at Athletico wrote on various topics related to injuries, the effectiveness of dry needling, the benefits of stretching, and more!


Can Anyone Start Physical Therapy?

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Physical therapy (PT) is a great treatment to address aches and pains of varying kinds. It can be utilized for general discomfort or pain associated with surgery. PT is designed to help reduce pain and improve range of motion, strength, and overall function. Whether it’s your knee that has been hurting for decades or your back you tweaked shoveling snow, often, physical therapy can help. Let’s look at injuries physical therapy can treat and who exactly should start physical therapy.


Best Ways to Stay Pain-Free On The Playground

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Daily physical activity for children provides a number of advantages and health benefits for development. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski of Mayo Clinic, children should do vigorous activities at least three days a week. Adults who care for children can encourage them to participate in active play that includes many common school-age activities-such as playing on playground equipment. Despite all the musculoskeletal benefits of running, climbing, and jumping, there are always considerations to best ensure safety and pain-free play.


Textbooks to Tablets: How to Prevent Upper Body Pain in an Increasingly Digital Learning Environment

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Our digital world is ever expanding, and one may find themselves required to spend more time using technology for work, learning, and leisure. If this applies to you or your family members, it is important to be aware of how we interact to the digital world to prevent injuries that can result from prolonged positions which compromise good posture and ergonomics, resulting in pain.


How Long Does ACL Recovery Take?

Posted on by Kevin Lohbeck, PT, DPT

Approximately over 250,000 people tear their ACL every year, with the most at-risk population being young female athletes.1 Despite being a common injury, every ACL reconstruction rehabilitation is different. Protocols depend on graft type, concomitant injuries like meniscus or MCL, and surgeon preference. For this reason, ACL protocols need to be a combination of both criteria-based and time-based. From a criteria-based perspective, physical therapists need to make sure athletes can get back to squatting, jumping, landing, cutting, and all other sport-related tasks with good mechanics to set them up for success as they return to sports. From a time-based perspective, physical therapists need to consider tissue healing time and appropriate tissue loading. Each athlete achieves their objective criteria at different times. It can take anywhere from 6 months to 24 months post op for athletes to get back to full participation, with a majority of athletes returning to sport between the 9- and 12-month mark.


Congratulations to Athletico’s Newest Board-Certified Specialists

Posted on by Athletico

At Athletico, our clinicians undergo advanced training and pursue certifications for the experience and education necessary to provide our patients with the highest standard of care. For this reason, we take a moment to recognize the clinicians committed to their education and practice in becoming board-certified as Orthopaedic Clinical Specialists (OCS) or Sports Clinical Specialists (SCS). These credentials are designated by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) to those who have successfully become board-certified clinical specialists working with orthopaedic or sports diagnoses.


Is it Safe to Run with Knee Pain?

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS

Generally speaking, exercise should not be painful. Pain is an alarm system within the body telling you something is not working properly. So, should you keep running when your knee hurts? When do you go to the doctor? Will they ask you to stop running? Can you ignore it? Stop right there.


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