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Specialization in Athletics

Posted on by Athletico

High school sports have more exposure now more than ever. This is partially due to nationally televised games such as football and basketball. There are now showcases for potential recruiters where young athletes can participate while still developing. Competition for an athletic scholarship has never been greater. Now, athletes are specializing in their sport to earn a competitive advantage and be the best at young age. Should specialization in athletics be touted, or should they continue to play multiple sports year round? Multiple researchers and college coaches state that single sport specialization is not the best practice. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Eagle Arms

Posted on by Athletico

The final stretch of January’s month long shoulder love is…Eagle Arms! The full version of this stretch can be a little tricky, so I’ve provided an accessible beginner modification for everyone. This will stretch the deltoids and rotator cuff muscles, as well as the upper back slightly. I don’t advise doing this stretch for people with shoulder injuries. You won’t need anything but your arms for this one 🙂  (more…)

Resolve to Take Care of Yourself

Posted on by Athletico

Have you made resolutions to start the New Year? Maybe you plan to save some money, lose some weight, or even start a new hobby. How about a resolution to simply take care of yourself? We often get caught up in taking care of everyone else and put ourselves last. It’s time to make a change and make yourself a priority in 2015! (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Shoulder Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Week 3! How are your shoulders feeling? Are you stretching daily? Couple times a week? Keep it up! This weeks shoulder stretch will take you through the shoulder’s range of motion from front to back. Again, this is a pretty straight forward stretch. I don’t recommend this stretch for people that have any shoulder injuries where it hurts to bring the arms above the head. (more…)

A Variety of Ways to Position Your Pillows to Reduce Pain

Posted on by Athletico

Patients often report difficulty sleeping as a result of having pain when they lay down in bed. In response, therapists will commonly ask the patient what position they sleep in, how they position their pillow(s), and how many pillows they like to use.  Pillow positioning is a strategy that can be different for each individual.  Below are a few of the many examples of ways to position your pillows to reduce and prevent pain and improve your body alignment for a better night’s sleep!


Benefits of Foam Rolling for Hockey Warm-Up

Posted on by Athletico

As a medical professional who not only works with the Chicago Blackhawks but also a large number of hockey players of all levels, one of the more recurrent questions I receive is, “how to adequately warm-up before taking the ice?” My answer is the foam roll, for a variety of reasons.


Stretch of the Week: Forearm Wall Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

This weeks stretch is called forearm wall stretch. It’s not so much a forearm stretch as it is a shoulder, upper back and chest stretch. The only thing you’ll need for this stretch is a sturdy wall 🙂

I don’t recommend the stretch for people with severe shoulder injuries or upper back injuries. (more…)

Healthy Super Bowl Watching Experience

Posted on by Athletico

Here we are: the NFL Super Bowl is here. This usually means that my couch game is in full swing, with me parked on the couch watching other people being active. However, this year will be different. I’ve developed a five-pronged approach to a healthy Super Bowl watching experience, based on increased activity, healthier snacking options and better football watching mechanics (seriously). As always, consult with your physician before trying any new exercise or eating routine. (more…)

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