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Ways to Build Better Habits This New Year

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

There has been much content written about establishing goals during the New Year. Much of the content revolves around personal finance, health, and exercise. Speaking from personal experience, oftentimes, these goals do not make it into the new year, mostly because they have never been measurable or a part of my subconscious routine, too often falling to the wayside. It wasn’t until I read, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy that I gained a better awareness and ability to form habits that stayed with me. According to Hardy, the success of forming habits that stick is simply performing small compounding actions over a long period of time, quite literally building habits. This idea of compounding can be related to any area of interest, done gradually over time, allowing habits to form and stick. The idea of compounding can most definitely be applied to orthopedic health, wellness, and pain-free longevity if those are your goals.


A Daily Walk is Worth Your Time

Posted on by Dawn Klos, ASTYM cert

How much time or distance would you need to achieve health benefits? Most research would suggest 30 minutes of walking can help you to achieve your health goals. Here are a few good reasons to schedule a daily walk.


Why You Should Choose PT First for Neck Pain

Posted on by Andrew C. Thomas PT, DPT, OCS, TPS, CSCS, COMT, CEEAA, FAAOMPT

Neck pain is a common cause of pain and lost work time in the United States and is one of the most common reasons that patients seek healthcare, with the majority of patients choosing to visit their primary care physicians first. Primary care providers may prescribe medication, imaging, and specialist referral. Once the patient sees the specialist, they may be referred to physical therapy. However, current evidence shows that early access to physical therapy, particularly via direct access (direct access to physical therapy, without the need for a referral or prescription from your physician), has been shown to decrease healthcare costs overall and improve outcomes.


5 Ways to Succeed in Physical or Occupational Therapy

Posted on by Rebecca Pudvah PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS

Your time is exceedingly valuable. When you are hurt, injured, or sick, you do not want to be sidelined for longer than necessary. Here at Athletico Physical Therapy, we are here to coach you to a better you. Check out the list below on how to make the most out of your physical therapy visits. This list can help you get strong, happy, and healthy during your time in physical therapy.


2 Ways to Prioritize Your Health in 2022

Posted on by Brian Chapman DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF-L1

Every year, patients talk to me about how they plan to set a New Year’s resolution to become more fit and healthy. Inevitably, every year most patients do not follow through on those resolutions. This year, let me help you by providing a road map to follow that can help you develop better habits and prioritize your health in 2022.


Tips from a PT: Returning to Exercise in the New Year

Posted on by Owen Campbell, PT, DPT, OCS

The cookies have been eaten, the shopping is complete, and the gym membership just hit your credit card. Whether for personal growth, maintaining health, or slimming up for summer, millions of Americans will be hitting the gym in January. Unfortunately, many people will also end up quitting or in my office because of nagging pain or new injury. Pain is a sure-fire way to discourage and derail even the best-laid workout plans. This blog will give you tips to keep your workouts consistent and pain-free in the New Year.


New Year’s Resolutions Your Physical Therapist Wants You to Stick To

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

With the New Year well underway, there are many individuals committed to New Year’s resolutions. Of course, it’s easy to come up with some simple ones and say you’ll stick with them, but reality is often different than our intentions, with sources showing that a large percentage of people give up on their resolutions by February. The good news is that recent research has shown that those of us who pick an approach-oriented goal (new behavior) will be more successful than those who pick an avoidance-oriented goal (trying to stop something).


Goodbye 2020: 7 Tips for Setting New Year’s Resolutions in 2021

Posted on by Athletico

While most of us will say a welcome farewell to 2020, 2021 will unfortunately carryover many of the same challenges we are currently faced with. Altering the means and ability to exercise is one impact that the coronavirus has had on many people. Many gym-goers are still either unable to attend their local gym due to closures or unwilling to travel to the gym due to health concerns. Even without a gym membership, there are many unique ways to continue to stay in shape in 2021. Here are 7 tips from a physical therapist on setting resolutions for health in 2021:


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