Tips to Triathlon
Triathlons take more time to train for with needing to work on three different disciplines in the sport. It may seem overwhelming and like you don’t have enough time. It can be mind boggling thinking about how to actually fit it all in your weekly schedule. Planning ahead and setting goals are key, but also incorporating a few training techniques into your weekly workouts will help enhance your workout and help you feel ready for race day.
Athletic Trainers Keep You at the Top of Your Game
You may think of an athletic trainer as the person at the end of the bench who comes running to the aid of an injured player. While you’d be right, you would be only partially right. Certified athletic trainers are members of a health care team who work with physicians, physical therapists and others to help prevent, recognize, assess, and rehabilitate injuries no matter where they occur. Athletic trainers are everywhere from the field, in the back yard and on the dance floor or stage. (more…)
Combating Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a rising epidemic and a valid concern for many parents. With the surge in all things electronic from televisions, computers, video games, and hand held devices, we have populations of children being sedentary rather than up, moving, playing, and active. As the economy puts stress on single, as well as two-parent, households the trend in meals has been on things fast, easy, and affordable which unfortunately does not often equate to healthy or nutrient dense. Here are some eye opening facts on childhood obesity taken directly from an article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (more…)
The Many Benefits of Swimming
With the Olympics upon us, I am very excited to watch as some of the world’s premier athletes compete to win for their country. I am always in awe when watching the swimmers and how their lean and muscular bodies seem to glide through the water so effortlessly. You can tell that they are in great shape both on the outside and inside. For many years, I have been advising patients to try swimming or to perform some water aerobics as a form of exercise. I have always heard how good it is for individuals who may not tolerate pounding on the pavement due to joint pain or arthritis. (more…)