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Category: Stretching


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Stretch of the Week: Three Legged Downward Dog

Posted on by Athletico

Week three of July has arrived! This week’s stretch is called Three Legged Downward Dog. This stretch is very similar to week one, but instead of stepping one foot forward we will step one foot back and up! This will stretch the sole of the foot all the way up the back of the leg into the calf and hamstring.


Stretch of the Week: Cobra Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Week two of July is here! This week’s stretch is called the Cobra Stretch and it targets the hip flexors, which are the muscles along the front of the thigh and pelvis. In addition, you may also feel this stretch along the front of the torso and up into the chest! This can be a great stretch if you walk or run a lot.


Stretch of the Week: Mini Down Dog Calf Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Are you an avid walker, hiker or runner? If so, this month’s weekly stretches are for you! We are targeting muscle groups that are involved in moving the legs. This first week we will stretch the Achilles, calves, hamstrings and low back. We will call this stretch the Mini Down Dog Calf Stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Prone Neck Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of June brings us to the Prone (face down) Neck Stretch. It will stretch the muscles in the sides and back of the neck, as well as the chest muscles.


Stretch of the Week: Seated Twist with Neck Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the third week of June we will be performing the Seated Twist with Neck Stretch. This stretch targets the muscles of the neck, between the ribs, and trunk.


Stretch of the Week: Neck Circles

Posted on by Athletico

June’s second stretch of the week is a range of motion movement for the neck called Neck Circles. This movement will stretch the neck in all directions, and also provide insight into your neck’s range of motion.


Stretch of the Week: Self Neck Traction

Posted on by Athletico

The focus of June’s weekly stretches will be on the neck muscles. We have quite a few muscles, ranging from very tiny to very large, that attach into the neck area. If these muscles become tight they can cause a host of problems, from small headaches to more severe problems like tingling in the hands. Stretching the neck muscles can be a starting place to address these issues.


Stretch of the Week: Pigeon Stretch with Bosu® Ball

Posted on by Athletico

May’s final stretch of the week is the Pigeon Stretch, performed on the Bosu® Ball for added stability and strength. This stretch (just like May’s other stretches) can also be performed without a Bosu® Ball.


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