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Category: Stretching


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Stretch of the Week: Beach Ball Hug & Expansion Dynamic Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

February is here! Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, this month’s theme will be chest stretches – also known as “Heart Openers.”


Bonus Stretch of the Week: Butterfly Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

We are offering a bonus stretch as we close up the first month of 2017. This month’s last inner thigh stretch also gets into the backside of the hips, the glutes and piriformis muscles. It is called the Butterfly Stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle (Prone Position)

Posted on by Athletico

In the fourth week of January we are revisiting the Wide Legged Straddle Stretch, but this time we are performing it in the prone position (or face down). This position provides a slightly different way to stretch the inner thigh.


Stretch of the Week: Reclined Cobbler’s Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the third week of January we will be performing an inner thigh stretch called the Reclined Cobbler’s Stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Wide Legged Straddle with Wall Assist

Posted on by Athletico

We are still targeting the inner thighs for January’s second weekly stretch. This week’s stretch is called the Wide Legged Straddle with wall assist.


Sever’s Disease in Young Gymnasts

Posted on by Amy Bell, PT, DPT

Heel pain is common in young children and it can be attributed to a condition called Sever’s disease.

Sever’s disease, which is also referred to as calcaneal apophysitis, is a result of inflammation of the growth plate of the heel. It is common in children who play sports that involve running or jumping, such as soccer, football, basketball and gymnastics. Gymnasts, however, are particularly affected due to the high level of jumping from a young age and because they are often barefoot when running and jumping.


Stretch of the Week: Reclined Frog Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Happy 2017! To start off the New Year, we will be stretching the muscles of the inner thigh. Many people may experience tightness in this muscle group, also called Adductors. For the first week of January we will perform a Reclined Frog Stretch, which is a gentle stretch with a longer hold.


Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretch with Pilates Ball

Posted on by Athletico

It is hard to believe that 2016 is coming to an end already. The final stretch we will be performing this year is a Hamstring Stretch with Pilates Ball.


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