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Stretch of the Week: Prone Double Internal Rotation Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Continuing with the theme of internal rotation of the hip, for week two we will review a stretch while lying face down.

This is the Prone Double Internal Rotation stretch.

You will need some wall space for this week’s stretch. If you have trouble coming all the way to the floor you can perform this on the bed as well. As with last week’s exercise, you should not perform this stretch if you have or are currently experiencing the following: hip injuries, hip replacements, hip impingement, or pain when rotating the hip or knee inward. As with beginning any exercise program, it is recommended that you contact your physician, physical or occupational therapist to determine what is best for you.


Stretch of the Week: Windshield Wiper Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the month of April we will be exploring internal rotation of the hip.

There are many muscles in the hip region that contribute to rotating the hip inward. Each week I will give you a stretch that will address these muscles in some way.


Stretch of the Week: Self-Massage Technique

Posted on by Athletico

Five Weeks in March Means a Bonus Self-Massage Technique

For this self-massage technique we will focus on releasing the tight fascia and muscles of the low back.

You will need a tennis ball for this technique. As with beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to contact your physician, physical or occupational therapist to find out what is best for you.


Stretch of the Week: Pelvic Tilts

Posted on by Athletico

Pelvic Tilts: Therapeutic Stretches for the Lower Back

Welcome to the weekly stretch for March!

This month we have been focusing on more therapeutic stretches for the low back. If you have ever been in therapy for low back pain you may have recognized one or two of these. Let’s continue this with Pelvic Tilts for week 4!


Stretch of the Week: Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

Posted on by Athletico

Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist

The third week of March brings us to the gentle Crossed Legged Low Back Reclined Twist stretch. It is simple despite its long name. This stretch will help you to gain flexibility in those stiff lumbar muscles that can cause muscle imbalances and contribute to low back pain. You will not need any equipment for this stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Figure 4

Posted on by Athletico

The second week of March is all about reducing stiffness throughout the hip region. Sometimes low back pain can be a result of hip tightness. It may also contribute to movement dysfunction, nerve compression and symptoms in to the thigh and lower leg. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Side Lunge

Posted on by Athletico

The final week of February brings us to the Side Lunge stretch. Please warm up with all the previous weeks stretches for February before performing this one. (more…)

The “Secrets” to Being Happy

Posted on by Athletico

Wouldn’t it be great to always be happy? Do you know people who always seem to be joyful? Do you want to be like that too? Is there a secret or magic formula to being happy? (more…)

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