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Stretch of the Week: Standing Shin Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Hello! Welcome to November’s weekly stretch. This month we will be focusing on our shins. For those of you that have ever experienced shin splints, this month is for you! Our shin and calf muscles connect down into our feet, so these stretches will also help to keep your feet healthy!

The first week is a standing shin stretch. You will need a wall for assistance. The only contraindication is if your ankle is injured, please don’t do the stretch.


5 Ways to Improve Your Home Exercise Program Compliance

Posted on by Athletico

The home exercise program is the elephant in the room at a lot of physical therapy sessions. A lot of people simply don’t like doing their exercises during their free time. Trust me. I understand the liberating feeling of just going to a clinic dedicated to physical therapy, mentally checking out and being told what to do to improve. While this will work, you won’t be getting the most out of your rehab with this mindset. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Forward Fold and Chest Opener

Posted on by Athletico

The final stretch in our mini sequence of chair stretching is a forward fold AND a chest opener. I love two for ones! 🙂

The only contraindication for this stretch would be if you have a shoulder injury. I will give you a modification for the shoulder opening part or just don’t perform that part of the stretch.

You will need a chair for this stretch. If it’s a rolling chair please make sure the wheels are locked or you will fall off the chair.


Stretch of the Week: Seated Twist

Posted on by Athletico

Week three of October brings us to a seated twist with a chair. Try to use a chair that does not swivel, otherwise this stretch will be hard to accomplish.

You will also need a book or yoga block or something similar in density and size.

The only contraindication for this twist is if you have severe sacral issues. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Reverse Plank

Posted on by Athletico

Did you enjoy last weeks stretch? I hope so! Please feel free to leave comments down below. I love hearing from you and if you have suggestions for future months please voice them! I want to provide stretches and movements that will help you all, so please don’t hesitate to communicate with me 🙂


Stretch of the Week: Downward Dog

Posted on by Athletico

October is my favorite month. I might be biased because it’s my birthday month;) But all the leaves changing beautiful colors and fall festivities really lifts my heart! We have to be mindful though as the colder months approach because we end up being inside many more hours. This means that if you sit for your job, you may end up sitting even more when you get home! So this month will be all stretches you can do with a chair while you’re at work (or wherever you like). We have to take a break every now and then to stretch those muscles that are in a fixed position for hours. This month we will focus on the muscles that get shortened while we sit, mainly the hamstrings and the pectoral(chest) muscles. We will also target the muscles through the side body to counteract the slouching and poor posture that happens from sitting too long.  Let’s get started!


Should I Stretch Before or After My Run?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee

We all have seen, or have been, runners bending over to touch their toes or pull their foot back to stretch before a race. Therefore, it may surprise you that some research does not support static stretching prior to running, but at the same time others indicate it has no detrimental effects on performance.


Stretch of the Week: Self Massage for the Lats

Posted on by Athletico

Happy Fall and welcome to the final week of September! This week I am providing a self massage technique for the lats.

You will need a foam roller for this stretch. You can purchase one for relatively cheap on Amazon! You have to be able to lay on the floor for this one as well, so the only contraindication would be if you are unable to get down and up from the floor. You could always try to use a wall instead.


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