Stop, Drop And Roll: Should You Be Using A Foam Roller?
Foam rollers have become a staple in many physical therapy clinics and gyms. If you have never seen one before, it is a 3 ft x 6-inch foam cylinder that can be used for stretching and massaging muscles during the recovery process as well as pre and post-workout. While it is a simple looking tool, there are many ways to use it. Many people swear by the benefits of foam rolling stating that it helps them feel more limber and reduce pain. These claims certainly sound good, but what does rolling out your muscles actually do and could it be a beneficial tool for you?
A Simple Exercise Routine To Try When You Need A Little Boost of Positivity
Feeling stuck in a rut? Or like you just want to relax on the couch and order food? Believe it or not, a little bit of exercise can go a long way in shifting our thoughts and feelings in a positive way. Below are a few suggestions for when you need a little boost of happiness in your day.
How Do I Know If I Have Carpal Tunnel?
In the United States, 1-3 per 1000 persons are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome Yearly. When identified and addressed early, carpal tunnel can be easily treated with therapy, splinting, exercises, and ergonomic modifications, preventing surgery. This blog will discuss common symptoms, causes, and treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Is Your Ankle Mobility Holding Back Your Running
Runners are known to push into pain in pursuit of their goals. Setting a new 5k PR or training for a marathon involves an unavoidable degree of discomfort. However, some nagging aches and pains are our body’s way of telling us something needs fixing. Whether you are a rearfoot or forefoot runner, a large amount of force goes through your ankle when you run1. While knee or ankle pain could be normal delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from running, it could also be related to ankle mobility2.
6 Warm-Up Stretches for Overhead Athletes Before a Game
“Go get your arm warmed up!” This is a phrase I hear all the time for overhead athlete sports, whether it’s the relief pitcher in baseball, the center fielder in softball, the ACE server in volleyball, or the star QB. This is solid advice; it’s never a good idea to go into aggressive overhead activity without a proper warm-up, but what makes a good warm-up? That can be a very loaded question! Fortunately, by understanding the anatomy of the shoulder and the requirement by its muscles to work optimally overhead, it can be simple to get an athlete ready for action and, more importantly, lower their risk for injury.
2023 Athletico Wellness Challenge
Need some inspiration to keep up with your new year’s health and wellness goals?
We’ve put together monthly challenges to help you improve your physical and mental well-being.
Most Common Pickleball Injuries
Even though pickleball was invented in 1965, it has been gaining popularity very quickly since the early 2000s. Pickleball was the fastest-growing sport from 2019-2022. Pickleball is played both indoors and outdoors and has both singles and doubles. Though it resembles tennis, pickleball is played on a much smaller court and using solid-faced paddles and the rules differ from tennis as well. As with any sport, as the popularity grows, so do the injuries. Here are some of the injuries that can occur in pickleball and ways to prevent injury:
From Swelling after an Injury to Static Stretches for Improved Flexibility: Top 10 Blogs of 2022
As the 2022 year ends, we looked back at the top ten blogs that our knowledgeable clinicians here at Athletico wrote on various topics related to injuries, the effectiveness of dry needling, the benefits of stretching, and more!