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Frequently Asked Questions: Debut Marathoner Edition

Posted on by Athletico

Frequently Asked Questions of First-time Marathoners
So this is your first time running a marathon. You have made it about halfway through your training program and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may still have some questions looming that you may not have the answers to. Listed below are some frequently asked questions of first-time marathoners. (more…)

Benefits of an Exercise Band

Posted on by Athletico

So after attending a running event expo, you received an exercise band in your “swag” bag from Athletico. You have seen them before or even have a few collecting dust in your closet – but what is the purpose of this yellow or green piece of elastic? What are the physical benefits to you and why use one? (more…)

How Genetics May Affect Endurance Performance

Posted on by Athletico

Editor’s note: The following blog was originally posted on Triathlon & Multisport Magazine. You can follow them on Twitter @trimultimag. Travis Orth is a Physical Therapist at Athletico Willowbrook.

Triathlon is a sport that rewards hard work. And while we can all strive to be the best we can be, 99.9 per cent of us will never enjoy the view from the top step of the podium at a major endurance race. Why is this may have something to do with our genetics. Dr. Travis Orth sheds some light on recent research into a number of genes that may affect endurance performance. (more…)

How To Recover from Extreme Obstacle Races

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Sean Hassett, PT, DPT at Athletico Andersonville

You just ran 12 miles, but this was not your typical 12 mile run. This was 12 miles of running up and down hills, climbing up and over walls, hanging on for dear life at some point, jumping over logs, carrying logs, plunging in for a deep cold ice bath, and of course getting really muddy. You have just completed a Mud Run and Obstacle Race. Congratulations!

At the end of the race such as Tough Mudder, you have received your headband, your T-shirt saying you survived, and had your celebratory beer (21 and older) with your fellow racers, now what? It is time to start the recovery process as this is not your normal race. (more…)

Shoulder Pain? How To Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff

Posted on by Athletico

The rotator cuff is responsible for allowing your shoulder to move in multiple directions. The rotator cuff is responsible for internally, externally, and abducting the shoulder on the humerus or major bone that forms the arm. These muscles play a major role in moving the entire complex of the shoulder. (more…)

So you signed up for a Marathon, Now What?!

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger Jennifer Short, PT at Athletico Garfield Ridge/Midway

Congratulations! You are registered for a Marathon, but now what? Running 26.2 miles at once seems daunting but with a plan and dedication you can accomplish this goal. Here are 5 tips to get you off and running on the right foot: (more…)

3 Solutions for Quad Dominance: A Known Injury Risk Factor

Posted on by Athletico

One factor that athletic trainers and physical therapists look at when assessing knee injury risk is the reliance someone has between 3 groups of muscles – the quadriceps (quads), glutes, and hamstrings. Here’s a quick rundown of what these muscle groups all do: (more…)

Pain Free Tips for Gardeners Part 2

Posted on by Athletico

Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Judy Micek, OT at Athletico Bolingbrook.

Athletico continues to celebrate Occupational Therapy month by sharing more gardening tips for you to use this spring. Continue to enjoy time in the garden by using new tools or learning a new routine after gardening. (more…)

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