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Tips From A PT: What You Need To Know About Direct Access

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Have you ever heard of “direct access” physical therapy? No, you haven’t? Well, you’re in the right place. Even if you have heard of direct access, this will be a good review of what it is, how to use it, and when to use it. Let’s take a look.


Health Has No Age: Anaerobic Exercise for Teens, Adults, and Seniors

Posted on by Brian Whittington, PT, DPT, CMTPT

Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death over the last century. Cardio exercise, also called aerobic exercise, has become popular due to its benefits for the cardiovascular system. However, aerobic exercise is not the only form of exercise. Anaerobic exercise is another form that people of all ages need to participate in to achieve optimal health.

Anaerobic exercise is defined as exercise of high intensity and short duration where oxygen is not the primary energy source. Anaerobic means “without oxygen,” and instead of using oxygen as the energy source, the body uses stored energy in the muscles and fat.


Textbooks to Tablets: How to Prevent Upper Body Pain in an Increasingly Digital Learning Environment

Posted on by Erik Krol, MOT, OTR/L

Our digital world is ever expanding, and one may find themselves required to spend more time using technology for work, learning, and leisure. If this applies to you or your family members, it is important to be aware of how we interact to the digital world to prevent injuries that can result from prolonged positions which compromise good posture and ergonomics, resulting in pain.


5 Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

In 2018, Bunt and his colleagues found “knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults, and its prevalence has increased almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually.”1 There are a number of causes for knee pain, and in many cases, physical therapy and exercise can help address the pain. Let’s take a look at five common exercises that can help reduce knee pain.


2 Ways to Prioritize Your Health in 2022

Posted on by Brian Chapman DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF-L1

Every year, patients talk to me about how they plan to set a New Year’s resolution to become more fit and healthy. Inevitably, every year most patients do not follow through on those resolutions. This year, let me help you by providing a road map to follow that can help you develop better habits and prioritize your health in 2022.


Why It’s Safe to Attend Physical Therapy During COVID-19

Posted on by Brandon Bowers, PT, DPT, Astym Cert.

Rewind to mid-March – businesses were closing, new health regulations were developed and there was a lot of uncertainty as to what was considered safe. COVID-19 created a lot of swift changes in society as the world has adapted to a new “normal.” Essential health care businesses were able to remain open to see patients and provide services to those who needed them. Primary care offices, emergency departments and physical therapy clinics kept their doors open and continue to help those in need. However, patients may still wonder if it is, “safe to receive medical care.”

Athletico has implemented a wide range of health screening measures, social distancing guidelines and cleaning procedures in order to ensure the safety of all patients who entered clinic doors.


The Future of Physical Therapy and Telehealth

Posted on by Athletico

Due to the recent pandemic, our health landscape has been quickly shifting. Healthcare professionals are now turning to virtual visits to treat their patients. This not only reduces the risk for themselves and their patients, but creates access and quality care for patients. Physical therapists have been no exception in adjusting their practices in order to accommodate patients through telemedicine. As a physical therapist, I have performed hundreds of these appointments. Here are the benefits of physical therapy telehealth services and the future it holds.


Work from Home Posture Tips

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

During this time, people may find themselves working from home. Many are transitioning to work from home from an office setting and your home is most likely not as equipped as your office. Please take these tips into consideration to decrease aches and pains in the coming weeks.


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