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Anxiety and Depression Associated with Physical Pain

Posted on by Athletico

“Thats the thing about pain.  It demands to be felt.”- John Green

Early on in college, I decided in addition to majoring in physical therapy, I would also major in psychology.  Why?  I felt that if I was going to treat and understand the physical aspect of a person, I better understand a little bit about the brain, thoughts and emotion of an individual.  After all, each of us is not just a body or a brain.  We have both.  Why is it that it’s readily accepted as the “norm” if you mention you have knee arthritis or back pain, however, it becomes taboo to discuss the psychology or emotion that may be involved with that pain?  I firmly believe that the psychology of what one is experiencing is extremely important to discuss and address. (more…)

Breast Cancer Post-Surgical Physical Therapy Care

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If you have experienced breast cancer, some of the toughest battles you may face are the emotional anxiety caused by the diagnosis and the uncertainty about your future. What you may not know, however, is that physical therapy can help you overcome the physical challenges brought on by surgery.  (more…)

Screening for Breast Cancer

Posted on by Athletico

When was the last time you performed a breast self-exam?  When I asked a number of women recently, the typical response was “not very often, but I know I should do it monthly.” Screening for breast cancer can be a scary topic, but with regular self examinations it doesn’t have to be. (more…)

Exercises for an ACL Injury

Posted on by Athletico

Have you ever injured or torn your ACL ligament? We’ve got the exercises and stretches for you! Athletico’s Dave Heidloff ATC, NASM-PES, FMS, provides stretches for athletes or anyone suffering from an ACL injury. Stretches are provided for anyone dealing with an ACL injury, specifically for those preparing for surgery or returning from surgery. Watch Dave’s exercises for an ACL injury below: (more…)

How to Safely Learn the Splits

Posted on by Athletico

Coaches, parents and athletes often ask me, “What is the best way to learn or improve upon doing the splits?” Gymnasts, cheerleaders and dancers are often the population that is interested, but lately this has become a great topic for baseball players, hurdlers and hockey players. Below are three great stretches to assist in gaining flexibility to improve your splits with some good reminders on how to stay safe while stretching.


Physical Therapy for Endometriosis

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Endometriosis occurs in women when endometrial tissue forms on the outside, instead of the inside, of the uterus. Normally, the endometrial tissue is shed during menstruation and exits the body. With endometriosis, the tissue that has grown outside of the uterus and is located in the pelvic and abdominal areas bleeds during menstruation but is unable to be discharged from the body. This leads to irritation and inflammation in this area. Over time, the repeated bleeding and healing can lead to development of scar tissue and adhesions in the area which will result in pelvic pain. (more…)

Muscle Pain During Pregnancy: Part 3

Posted on by Athletico

Help!  What Is This Pain I Am Experiencing During My Pregnancy?

You’re pregnant!  It’s an exciting and busy time for you.  So, why are you having pain? (more…)

Muscle Pain During Pregnancy: Part 2

Posted on by Athletico

Editor’s note: Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be rolling out a three part series to common symptoms during pregnancy and how to treat them!

Help!  What Is This Pain I Am Experiencing During My Pregnancy?

You’re pregnant!  It’s an exciting and busy time for you.  So, why are you having pain? We continue with part 2 of symptoms during pregnancy. (more…)

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