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Employee Spotlight – January

Name of Athletico employee:

Debbie Cerone

State they work out of:


Core Value Highlighted:

Patient/Client Satisfaction

Narrative around Core Value:

Writing to share an interaction I had with a past patient highlighting the care provided by Debbie Cerone at our Wheaton Danada clinic.

While waiting for my order at the Starbuck’s in Danada Square, I was nudged by an older yet clearly active gentleman who acknowledged the Athletico logo on my shirt and asked if I worked at Wheaton Danada, located directly across the street from this particular Starbuck’s.

I briefly explained my role within the company and asked how I could be of assistance. He went on to rave about his time with Debbie and the service provided while a patient of hers. He told me that he had long battled symptoms associated with spinal stenosis and sought PT as a final step before spine surgery. About a year after PT prescription, not only has he avoided surgery, but he told me “I still feel great and have had no problems since my time with Debbie.”

On my way out the door, I stopped at the gentleman’s table to again thank him for his feedback. He directed me to a woman seated next to him and noted that she was also a past patient of Debbie’s (“She’s an angel” was the woman’s response).

Debbie – Thank you so much for your work and for creating Athletico evangelists through your patient care!

Nominated by:

Mike Schroeder, Manager of Athletic Training Services

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