Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Holiday Survival Guide: Health Tips for the Holiday Season
The holiday season is a joyful time of year when many of us look forward to spending some quality time with our friends and family. Despite the fun that comes with the festivities, December can also be a very stressful time of year. Not only are many of us left scrambling to purchase last minute...Read More
Prevent Pickleball Injuries
Pickleball is a great, low-impact sport for people of all ages. However, injuries can still occur in a low-impact sport. To keep you on the court and playing for many more years, let’s look at some ways to prevent injuries.Read More
Surviving the Wintertime Brrrs: Tips on Cold Weather Running
It is much easier to get out the door on that mid-week run on a sunny, mild spring day, but winter running is not as simple. How many layers should I wear? Should I wear gloves or mittens? How do I protect my head and face? Will it be dark before I’m done? What type...Read More
Revisiting Your New Year Resolutions (Without a Gym Membership)
The start of a new year often inspires resolutions, with many Americans setting goals to improve their lives. While many focus on getting in shape or becoming healthier, it’s not uncommon for motivation to waver as January progresses. But don’t worry – late January is the perfect time to reassess and reset your intentions for...Read More
PT-Approved Resolutions to Add to Your List
It’s that time of year again! The new year is just around the corner, which means many will create resolutions and set goals for the upcoming year. I want you to reflect on the goals you set last year. How did they go? How many did you accomplish? If you didn’t quite achieve what you...Read More
An Exercise Routine to Help You Fight the Winter Blues
Winter is just around the corner, and with Daylight Savings behind us, days are getting shorter and shorter. This tends to be the time of year when the “Winter Blues” start to emerge, and some people even develop Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or more severe cases of the Winter Blues. Winter Blues and SAD are...Read More
Misconceptions About Sciatica: 5 Things You Should Know
Sciatica, a painful burning sensation from the buttock down the thigh, calf, or foot, is a common condition many experience. In any given year, 13-40% of the population may be affected by sciatica. The pain associated with sciatica can lead to lost workdays, lowered capacity for health through physical activity, and reduced quality of life....Read More
Paw-some Workouts to Try with Your Dog
The health risks of insufficient physical activity have long been documented, yet approximately 27% of the population still do not meet the recommendations. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of exercise each week. Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for mortality. Physical inactivity is also linked to increased risk for coronary disease,...Read More