Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
I’m An Endurance Physical Therapist, And These Are The 5 Things I Do After A Long-Distance Run
Lace-up your shoes, go for a run, take off shoes, and end of the session. Sound familiar? If your run time follows this pattern, you are not alone. Most runners admit they give little attention to recovery and cooling off after a long run. However, if you want to improve performance or are prone to...Read More
Alex Baker
I am a 39-year-old widower with a 9-year-old son. My wife, Amanda, was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 2017 at 35. After a 16-month battle, she passed in February 2019. Her loss inspired me to make a change. There was no reason my son should have to lose another parent because I couldn’t...Read More
On The Job: Here’s What Workers’ Compensation Physical Therapy Looks Like From Start To Finish
Injuries happen, and when they do, our team is here to help injured workers get back to their regular work routine without limitations while preventing future injury. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the entire workers’ compensation process from start to finish and the important role of physical therapists throughout recovery.Read More
Benefits of an Arm Care Program for Overhead Athletes in the Off-Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. We’re hanging up our bats and gloves, coaches are making their rosters and checking them twice, and soon, our mounds and dugouts will be lightly covered in a fresh blanket of snow. ‘Tis the season – the off-season, that is. While we’re filling our bellies with holiday...Read More
5 Tips To Help You Get In Touch with Your Most Active Self
In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can sometimes feel like a challenge. However, by tapping into your most active self, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more energetic and fulfilling life. Whether you’re looking to kick-start a new fitness routine or revitalize your existing one,...Read More
Athletico Physical Therapy Helps Clinicians Conquer Student Debt Burden With SoFi At Work Loan Repayment Program
OAK BROOK, Ill., October 18, 2023 – Athletico Physical Therapy, a top national provider of the highest quality orthopedic rehabilitation services to communities, employers, and athletes, and SoFi at Work, a leading provider of holistic financial well-being and education assistance benefits, today announced the launch of a new partnership that will help Athletico clinicians pay...Read More
PT-Approved Training Plan for New Runners
Embarking on a running routine brings many health benefits. More robust cardiovascular fitness, enhanced daily energy, improved body composition, and greater stamina are all scientifically known benefits of running. These benefits, however, are based on a regular and consistent habit of running. Are you interested in starting a running program, but unsure where to start?...Read More
How To Avoid Injury In Competitive Swimming
A common misconception about swimming is it is not considered an overhead athlete sport due to the total body nature and cardiovascular changes it can create in athletes. Yes, while swimming involves your total body, a large portion of the swimming force is derived from the shoulders and arm, all while under the water’s constant...Read More