Search Results for "stretch of the week"
368 Results
Returning to Workouts After an Illness
The response to flu, colds, or bronchitis is varied, and individuals may be affected differently. A cold can present varying symptoms and severity, including sore throat, coughing, sneezing, fatigue, fever, and more. How do you know when to return to your workouts after being sick? This blog will discuss a few physical therapist-approved tips to...Read More
Why New Moms Need Physical Therapy
The wait is finally over; after nine months of doctor appointments and nursery decorating, your baby has arrived! Keep in mind, that it’s still an ongoing process after giving birth, and along the journey of pregnancy, your body has encountered many changes. You may find it difficult to return to your prior activity levels or...Read More
Can Dry Needling Help Plantar Fasciitis?
Taut bands can exist within your body that disrupt blood flow to your muscles. The affected area can become an acidic environment and begin to radiate pain elsewhere in the body. Trigger points are when those taut bands start to refer pain elsewhere. A technique called dry needling can help with this referred or local...Read More
30 Stories for 30 Years
Becky Clinic: Athletico Lake Geneva Injury: Hip replacement & broken leg “It started with a hip problem that became a hip replacement that turned out fantastic until I fell 3 weeks after the surgery. I broke the same leg and had to have a new hip replacement as well. Christine, Cara, and all of the...Read More
Hailey Newill
My injury started in August of 2020 during the school softball season. I was only but 2-3 weeks into the season when my shoulder started hurting a lot when I threw. After many different appointments, second opinions, at-home physical therapy nothing first came from it and I finished my school softball season the best I...Read More
4 Common Ankle Injuries in Dancers
In any sport or activity that puts demands on the body, injuries can occur, and dance is no different. Some of the most common injuries seen in physical therapy clinics in regards to dancers, are injuries related to the foot and ankle. The following information serves to help educate dancers on some of the more...Read More
5 Tips to Prevent Common Running Injuries
Running has become an increasingly popular activity for exercise among people of all ages. In fact, 60 million people within the United States participate in some form of running activity each year. People participate in running activities for numerous reasons including: improving fitness, weight concerns, running a race/competition, staying healthy, and having fun. Running for...Read More
4 Tips to Prevent Achilles Pain or Injury
Achilles pain or injury can prevent itself in the form of tendinopathy (i.e. tendinitis or tendinosis), or the more critical Achilles tendon tear or rupture. The Achilles tendon is the tendon to the gastroc and soleus, which together are known as the calf muscles. The role of a tendon is to transfer the force from...Read More